Chapter 11

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This chapter will probably pretty short so sorry. Anyways I'm hoping that you people like it. XD -bparmer1513

Castiel's P.O.V.

   Dean and Y/N left in a hurry. You over heard Y/N's conversation with Crowley. Now the only thing you wanted to do was rip his head off and give it to one of his hellhounds to use as a chew toy. Everyone says that you are the peaceful one in your little group but Crowley has caused your family too much pain. You knew what Crowley was capable of, and you didn't want to think about what he could be doing to that poor little girl.

Sam's P.O.V.

   You wanted Crowley dead just as much as anybody else but you were starting to get worried about Cas. He was usually the one resisting you and Dean when you mentioned killing anyone. But now he was the one making all the big plans and dreaming about ending Crowley's miserable life. You knew that Crowley wouldn't be far from his demonic pet Sarah. He would want to see the show that was about to unfold. There was an abandoned factory just down the road from Y/B/F/N's house. That's exactly the type of place that Crowley would be hiding in.

   In a hurry you pick up the phone and call up Dean. It goes to voice mail. That could only mean one thing. They had already started the hunt.You hung up before leaving a message. You hurry to the other room where you left Cas.

   "You need to flash me over to where Y/N and Dean are. Now."

Reader's P.O.V.

   Your heart was pounding as you pull into your old neighborhood. You have to pass your old house in order to get to Y/B/F/N's house and you weren't sure if you were ready to see your old house yet. It had only been about three months since your parents died and you still had nightmares about it almost every night. You pulled onto your street but Dean pulled the impala to a stop before you reached the curve where your old house, the only home you had ever known, came into view.

   "I remember you. I was at you house when you were a baby. Your parents were having a party for you after you were born. Both me and Sammy were there. Your parents were good people. And your mother..." His voice trails off for a moment before he snaps back into the present. "My point is, I knew and loved your parents too. And I can relate to loosing your parents. If you're not ready to see your home, just cover your eyes. Don't feel like you have to brave, cause you don't."

   "Thanks Dean but I think I'm okay. Plus, that's not my home anymore. Now it's just a house. You, Sam, Cas, you guys are my home now." Then, after a moments hesitation, Dean pulls back out and continues down the street.

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