Chapter 15

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Reader's P.O.V.

   You couldn't let them see you cry, not again. After everything that had happened that day, you weren't surprised when you felt yourself drifting to sleep in the back seat of the impala. The next thing you know, you are standing in your old house. You look out the front window and see the impala parked outside. Sam and Dean are no where in sight but you here footsteps upstairs.You take the stairs two at a time. You can't stand being alone in this house, not anymore.

   But when you get to the top of the stairs, it's not Sam or Dean that find, but your mother. You stare in horror as you look down and see the same blood stain on her blouse that was there the last time you saw her, laying on the floor, the demon standing over her.

   She walks towardsyou her arm out-streched, the way she used to do when you were sick. Suddenly her face changes into the hidious beast that killed her, her sweet smile turning into a sickening smirk. You back away, screaming in terror. And then your falling down the stairs.

You wake up screaming, once again in the backseat of the impala. Dean idmediatly pulls over to the side of the road. Both boys turn around and stare at you, true concern displayed on both of their faces. You want to tell them that everyything is fine. That it was just a dream. But you can't, your voice wont work. You just sit in the backseat curled in a ball, looking up at your big brothers as they try to read what's going on in your head right now.

   Suddenly both boys look at eachother and , in synch, get out of the car, climbing into the backseat with you. With one brother on either side of you, you realize tht you really are safe. You stay curled up in a ball, but you turn and burry your head into Dean shoulder, letting out a sob. Both boys tighten their hug on you as you cry, not wanting them to ever let go of you, for fear that the sense of safety and content will be lost forever.

   You finally bild up the courage to tell them about what happened, and spill everything about what happened. Dean and Sam just sit there holding you in silence for a moment before Dean get out of the car, closing the door behind him. He walks a few feet away from the car, yelling at the sky. You can't hear what he's saying, but you know he's mad and it would be a mistake to inturupt him in the middle of a rant. So you turn away and, once again, bury your head into Sam's shoulder.

   "Hey. Hey, it's okay. He's not mad at you. I promise. Everything is gonna be fine." Sam rubs you back as you let out another sob, the same way your mom used to do when your sick.

   Sfter a few mionutes of ranting, Dean finally comes back in the car. Turning on the car and pulling out, back onto the road. Sam stayed in the back seat with you, still rubbing your back. You look up and see that Dean's knuckles, gripping the steering wheel, were white. You knew he was still mad and you didn't want to push him, so you just curled up in Sam's arms, and fell asleep, once again.

Dean's P.O.V.

   You were pissed, to say the least. If you ever saw Crowely again, you were going to slit his thoat. Before Y/N woke up screaming, Sam was talking about what had happened with Crowely on his way to Y/B/F/N's house. You were already mad becuase of that. But after what Y/N just tild you... You were so sick of Crowely screwing with your family and causing them pain.

   Sfter about an hour of diving, you find a motel to stop at. You had the the car that Sam had "borrowed" at Y/B/F/N's house. Y/N seemed to be speeing well and you didn't want to wake her, so Sam just carried her in and tucked her into her bed. Cas was waiting for you insinde the room.

   "Cas. What are you doing in here?" You couldn't help but wonder how he knew where you were going to be staying and what room you were going to be staying in.

   "I was hoping to talk to Y/N. But seeing as she's sleeping, I will just come back later." Cas gerstures toward Y/N who was still asleep in her bed.

   "What do you need to talk to her about?" Sam says, walking towards where you and Cas were standing in the small kitchen area.

   "I may have tracked down the demon that killed her family."

   "Really? Where is it? I'm gonna rip it's throat out!" You can feel your anger building again. You realise that your hands are balled up into fists and slowly release them.

   "Dean, calm down. You're going to wake Y/N." Cas once again looks over to make sure that she is okay.

   "I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but why do you suddenly care so much about Y/N?" You knew exactly what Sam meant. Suddenly it seemed like Cas actually cared about Y/N. Not that it was a bad thing or anything, it just wasn't like him.

   "Because I go the chance to talk to her when you left me here to watch her when you went to finish that hunt. She is so scared of being abandoned and not being loved. I just want to make sure that no matter what happens, shes never alone." Cas turns away and walks towards the door. "Just call for me when she wakes up." With that, he was gone.


   When Y/N did wake up several houres later, neither you or Sam were anxtious to tell her about what Cas had told you, especially becuase of the dream that she had. You waited about an hour before calling out to Cas. He told her that he thought he had tracked down the demon but he wanted to keep an eye on it in order to be sure. SHe seemed to take it pretty well. At least you thought so, right up until the moment that she excused herself to use the restroom and you could hear her crying from the other room.

   "I don't understand." Cas said when he heard that. "I thought she wanted to find it."

   "Cas, it's not that she doesn't want it to be found. She's scared of it. It left her an orphan at the age of thirteen with nobody to turn to except me and Sammy, who she had only met once when she was a baby." You can't help but get frustrated, having to explain other peoples feelings to Cas.

   "Maybe I shouldn't have told her. I didn't mean to scare her." Cas has always been hard on himself and you can see the hurt in his eyes, thinking that he hurt Y/N.

   "It's okay Cas. She needed to know. She's a tough girl, she'll pull through." You lookat Sammy, un sure of how he could be so optomistic right now. But as you look into your little brothers eyes, you can see that he is just as worried about Y/N as you are.

   SHe comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later, her eyes puffy and red from crying. You know Cas feels bad about this and that seeing Y/N like this is hurting him, but he keeps a straight face as he says goodbye. Saying that he must return to heaven for some buisness but that he would be back soon.


   Cas told us to wait at the motel so that he would know where to find us.

   That was almost two weeks ago.

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