Chapter 12

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Dean's P.O.V.

   You stopped outside the house and parked. Y/N had been unusually silent for just about the entire car ride. You look over and notice her staring at the house. You giver her a moment before deciding to break the silence.

    "Y/N, we need to go now if we are going to go." You try to make your voice as soft as you can.

   "I know. But I'm scared. She was my best friend..." Her voice trails off leaving you wondering what exactly she is thinking about.

   "And she still is. Because we are going to save her, okay? I promise. And if anything goes wrong, you can blame me." Your throat tightens as you think of all the times you let Sammy down. You couldn't do that to Y/N too. You couldn't fail.

   "Okay." She gives her head a quick nod, as if to convince herself, and then climbs out of the impala, opening the trunk to get her holy water and weapons. By the time you get to the trunk, Y/N already has her backpack fully loaded and is slinging it onto her shoulder.

   You hurry to gather up your things and sling your backpack over your shoulder as well, closing the trunk as you do so, and turn to Y/N. "Okay now whatever happens in there," you say pointing to the house, "that is not your best friend. Not at the moment. She may act like her old self, but it isn't her."

   "Okay." She repeats, turning to begin walking up to the house.

Sam's P.O.V.

   When you open your eyes, you are no longer in the messy hotel room. Cas lifts his hand off your shoulder and begins to look around. You do the same. You notice that you are in a very run down factory and Dean is nowhere in sight. Suddenly you hear a voice.

   "Hello moose." You insides burn with hatred as you turn around and come face to face with the King of Hell himself. "I caught wind of your little plot to have squirrel and the brat come sneak up on me to kill me. So I decided to interupt the angel tracker implanted in your little pet over there so you could come and do it yourself. Minus the surprise of course." You see a smirk begin to play out on Crowley's face.

   "I am no ones pet!" Castiel yells at Crowley, his face red with fury. You notice that his hands are in fists, shaking. Probably wanting to strangle Crowley right about now. You felt the same way but you were better at hidding it.

   "And how did you think you would benefit from this? Please, do tell." Crowley's smirk was just growing bigger by the second. You didn't have a clue how you were gonna get out of this one, and Crowley knew it to.

Reader's P.O.V.

   You held your breath as you opened the front door. This demon knew you were coming so you didn't see the point in trying to sneak in. You looked around and choked down the tears as you remember all the times you and Y/B/F/N had here.

   The couch that you spilled icecream on watching your favorite t.v. show together. The carpet that you spilled orange fanta on while having a dance party. The beanbag chair that you would wrestle to sit on. Suddenly all of your memories were flooding back. You realize that Dean is staring at you, concerned. He takes his thumb and brushes your cheek. You realize that tears have been flooding down your cheeks. You wipe them away and nod to Dean, signaling that you are ready to move on.

   As you cross over into the kitchen, you hold back a scream as the lifeless faces of Y/B/F/N's family all stare back at you.You look from face to face, remember how much of a second family they were to you. You go from person to person, shutting the eyes of her family. Her father, mother, and little brother. You sidestep a pool of blood and walk into the hallway that leads to all of the other rooms.

   You check Y/B/F/N's room first. Everything is just the way it was last time you saw it. The only difference is that she added a few more books to her bookshelf. You notice that a couple of them were yours. Seeing as nobody is here, you got to the next room.Suddenly you hear a bang come from the living room and realize that Dean isn't with you anymore.

   As you come running into the living room you see that Dean is being held up against the wall by an invisible force, and that Y/B/F/N stands a few feet away with her hand out stretched to him, her eyes as black as coal.

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