Chapter 23

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Reader's P.O.V.

   Dinner was, for the most part, silent. Sam and Will tried to make small talk, but neither you or Dean responded to it. Dean and Cas shared a special bond. Without Cas, Dean would still be stuck in hell. You havn't known Cas very long, but he'd been visiting you. When Sam and Dean had went after that Vampire nest, after you had gotten hurt, and they had called Cas to "babysit" you, you and Cas had talked for hours. About heaven, earth, angels, your parents, pretty much anything. You had gotten to know eachother pretty well. After that, he had started visiting you, like earlier, in dreams. But after that day, the last day you saw Cas, the dreams stopped. Well, the dreams kept coming, Cas just wasn't in them.You were thinking of this when a gruff voice interupted your thoughts.

   "Y/N? Did you hear anything I was saying?" You were back on the road in the impala. Apparently Dean had been talking to you about something, but you weren't paying attention.

   "No. Sorry."

   "I was just saying that maybe, Cas can try to come in contact with you again. In the meantime, we'll head to San Diego, and snoop around for a while. He's somewhere on the left of the freeway heading into the city. That's more than we knew this morning when we set out."

   "Yeah. I just wish..." You trail off. You don't even know what you wish. Maybe that you had found him in your dream sooner? You hadn't talked so much and just let him talk?

   "Hey. It's not your fault."Will brushes his hand against you cheek. Whipping away a tear, you realize.

   "Will's right." Dean says, looking at you through the rearview mirror. "None of this is your fault. We've been over this."

   Just then, Sam cuts into the conversation. "Maybe you should try gettin some sleep. Maybe Cas will find you again.Who knows. Maybe we'll have him back by this time tomorrow.

   It didn't happen like that...


   You wake up the next morning and look at the clock on the impala's dash. 7:15. You stretch out and stare glummly out the window. Will's still asleep, and you're hoping that Sam and Dena don't realize that you're awake. Not yet. You couldn't bare telling them that you hadn't had any dreams. We wouldn't be getting Cas back tonight. Things don't work out the way you plan though. Within two minutes of you waking up, Dean realizes you're up.

   "Hey, shortie. Any news?" You can hear the hope in his voice, and it tears you to shreds.

   It takes you a minute to gather the courage to respond. "No. I'm so sorry."

   "Hey, it's not your fault. We're almost to San Diego. We'll find him. I think you forgot who we are." All the hop is gone from his voice.

   "You're the friggin Winchester's." You manage to smile alittle.

   "We're the friggin Winchester's. All of us. Even Sleeping Beauty over there." You can't hep but laugh. Somehow, Dean is always able to make you smile, no matter how crappy you feel. He understands you, better than just about anybody. Except Will probably.

   About ten minutes later your going down the road and see a sign. You're heart flips, with either hope of fear. You can't be sure. It was four words: Welcome to San Diego!

Castiel's P.O.V.   You open your eyes and blink, allowing your eyes adjust to the light pouring in threw the open door to your cell. Instantly you recognize the man standing in the doorway. The king of hell himself.

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