Chapter 13

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Sam's P.O.V.

   You look to Cas. You have an idea but there is no way to alert him of your plan without Crowley finding out too. Maybe Crowley's mojo isn't as strong as he thinks it is. Maybe Cas would be able to zap you out of there. But Cas would have to know about the plan first. That was the problem.

   "What's wrong Moose? Can't find a way to escape?" You hated how genuinely happy Crowley sounded. He was enjoying the fact that you had know idea where Dean and Y/N were or if they were okay. He loved the concern that you knew was dancing around on your face. He was enjoying your pain.

   "Oh know I know exactly how to get away. I'm just enjoying this." You smirk. Maybe you could sneek in a secret message to Cas while you were bluffing to Crowley.

   "Enjoying what?" You can tell that what you just said had gotten under Crowley's skin.

   "You think that you planned all of this. But we intended to do all of this. I just hope Dean remembers the whole plan." You look at Cas and smile. He seems to understand what your trying to do so far and smiles back. You look back at Crowley and laugh when you see the puzzled look in his eyes. Now you just have to stall until you distract Crowley long enough for you and Cas to flash out... piece of cake!

Reader's P.O.V

   You stifle a scream as you stare into your best friends blackened eyes. They used to be the most amazing shade if green that made you so jealous. But now all you felt was hate and resentment as you looked into her eyes.

   You finally snap out of it and look to Dean. His eyes are pleading with you to help. They bulge out as Y/B/F/N tightens her invisible grip around his throat. You need to distract her.

   You draw you knife and try to give her your best smile. "So, you've been productive. Though,  that was some pretty sloppy work back there." You point behind you where the dead bodies of your best friends family lies in a pool of blood.

   "I wasn't trying to be neat. I wanted you to see what I did. I wanted you to know that she will never be the same, no matter what you do to me. And that is enough satisfaction. Knowing that the Winchester's little brat will forever feel guilty, because this," She guestures all around her, smirking at the distured look on your face. "This is all your fault."

   You risk a glance behind her and notice that while she was gesturing around her, Y/B/F/N had let go of her invisible grip on Dean. He was slowly inching towards her with his demon trap handcuffs ready.

   "No." You don't know where this sudden boost of confidence has come from, but you were gratful. "No, it's not my fault. I didn't have a choice. This is all your fault. And nothing that you say or do will make me think any different." She gives you a puzzled look just before Dean snaps the handcuffs on her. You throw holy water on her to keep her distracted and help Dean quickly draw a demon trap aroundY/B/F/N.

   Y/B/F/N screams as she tries to wiggle her way out of her handcuffs.

   "Good luck with that you filthy little..." Suddenly you scream as pain errupts in your shoulder. Blood spills out and soakes into your shirt. You whip around and see a strangely familiar face standing in front of you, holdiong a knife, the tip covered in blood.

   "Hello again, Y/N. So sorry about your parents, but they just had to go. My one real regret though, is not finishing you off before you could escape. At least now I'll have my chance..."

Dean's P.O.V.
   Things were finally going your way. You trapped her, insulted her, and you were about to smoke her out. That's when things went bad... 

   You were just about to insult the little slut when you hear Y/N scream. You turned around as quickly as possible, but nobody was there. She was whimpering, the way she does when she gets really scared. You knew immediately what was going on but you didn't know how.

    "What did you do?" You spin around and point at Y/B/F/N. 

   She fakes looking surprised. "Me? How could I do anything while I'm all tied up?" Then she gives me a smile. Just then Y/N let out another scream. You look back and see her backing up against the wall, her eyes wide with terror as she muttered something under her breath.

   Suddenly she collapes and Y/B/F/N lets out a laugh. You hold in your rage as you push her chair over, causing her to hit her head on the tile. It probably didn't hurt the demon much but it caused her to loose focus for a second. While off balance, you cut her arm with the demon knife and splash her with another dose of holy watter, cauing her to cry out in out rage. Suddenly you hear Y/N gasp, she wakes up, her eyes wide, searching for whatever it is that this demon made her see. When she see's that the "threat" is gone, she turns to you, clearly not happy.

   "Why didn't you help me? And where did she go?" Y/N furiusly punches you in the arm.

   "What do you mean. Who? There was nobody here. It was all in your head. What did that she-witch make you see?" You are on the brink of embedding your knife into Y/B/F/N's gut but you know that the person trapped inside that meatsuit is very important to Y/N and you would do anything to make sure that she is happy. She deserves it.

   "Demons can make you see things? That would have been nice to know, Dean!"

   "I've only heard about one case like this. It's so rare I didn't think it was worth mentioning."  It kills you to know that Y/N was hurting and you couldn't help her.

   Suddenly you hear a sound that you would recognize anywhere, the sound of a demon exiting it's meatsuit. You look over and see Y/B/F/N slumped over in her chair, unconscious.

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