Chapter 5

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Readers P.O.V.

    You coulden't believe it. Cas, as the boys called him, was a real angel, and he was telling you about your parents. You didn't know what to say for a minute, so you just sat down. Your parents were actually watching over you, just like they said they would. The last thing they ever said to you was that they would always be watching over you. Cas walks over to Dean and they talk quietly for a minute but you barely register anything. Suddenly Sam is kneeling down next to you.

    "Hey Y/N, are you okay?" He looks concerned as he studies your face.

    "Yeah. Everything is fine. It's just hard to believe. That they are actually watching over me, just like they said they would." You say, fighting back tears.

    "Of course they are." He says. "Did you really think that they would back down on their promise to you?" He gives you that stupid grin and you cant help but smile.

    "No. I guess not. But I guess I was afraid to get my hopes up." You say, your smile fading.

    "Well now you know that they didn't and you don't have to worry anymore." You feel a smile begining to play out on your lips once again.

    "Yeah I guess your right." You say as Dean joins you too.

    "Cas was wondering if you could join him outside for a minute." Dean says. You just now notice that the angel has disapeared.

   "Of course." You reply as you head for the door of the motel room. When you walk outside you see Castiel standing a few feet away staring at the door, waiting for you.

    "Hello Y/N." He says smiling at you. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me out here."

    "No problem Cas." You reply as you walk towards him. "If the boys can trust you, then I can trust you. Whats up?"

    "I wanted to talk to you about what happened that night with the demon." Dean had told you that Cas doesn't know much about personal boundaries but he has good intentions but you cant help but flinch at the memory. "I know it will be hard for you to share but I want you to know that this is only so I can help you track it down so that no one else gets hurt."

    "Okay well, she was... inside my neighbor. We were really good friends with the family and we would always go out together so it wasen't strange that she had come over. She was asking if she could borrow something. I don't know what it was, I was upstairs and coulden't really hear them. I was walking down the stairs to say hello when I heard my mom scream. Then there was alot of yelling and I heard my neighbor telling me to come out of my hiding spot, that she would hurt my mom if I didn't. Then, she tied us up and attacted my parents. You know the rest."

    "Thank you Y/N." Cas says when you finish. "That should help me in my search for her. I will tell you if I find anything out." And just like that, he was gone.


    You decide to go back to the motel. As soon as you open the door Dean is asking you about what happened.

    "He just wanted to know about what happened that night with the demon and my parents." You shrug to make it seem like you don't really care, but you are fighting back tears. "He is searching for her and needed to know everything I could remember about that night."

    "I told him not to mention that!" Dean curses quietly for a moment, smacking the table with his hand before turning his attention back to you. "I'm sorry Y/N. I swear next time I see him I'll kick his angelic rear into next 2027."

    "Dean, really it's no big deal. If it means catching her and preventing her from doing it to anybody else, I'm all for talking about that night." You say, hoping that your face is still clear of emotion.

    "Okay. Well it's been a long day, maybe you should get some sleep." Dean says. Even as he's still talking you can't help but yawn.

    "Okay. I'll take the couch." You say, looking at the beat up couch that sits right under the window. Dean has insisted on taking the couch every time you change motels. But you know that he can't be getting a very good nights sleep on them.

    "Oh no you wont." he says smiling.

    "Why do you always insist on being such a stuborn pain in the butt?" You ask jokingly.

    "I'm not." He counters. "I insist on being a gentleman and a good big brother. Well, step brother, I guess. But still!" You can't help but laugh as he sits there trying to figure out how you are siblings.

    "Don't hurt yourself, Einstein." You say through giggles.

    "Okay you two break it up." Sam says, standing between you and Dean. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight, that way everybody's happy." He says looking between you and Dean.

    "Okay fine." You and Dean both agree and all three of you get ready for bed. You get the feeling that tomorrow will be a long day.

Dean's P.O.V.

    You are the first to wake up in the morning and you can't help but smile when you looko over and seee Y/N still asleep in bed. She looks so innocent when she's asleep. Just like any thirteen year old should. Not like a thirteen year old that's gonna wake up in a few hours only to join her two older brothers to hunt some vamps.Thats what you and Sam decided it was last night. A nest of vampires.

   You looked at her and coulden't help but think of all that could go wrong on this hunt. Sundenly you hear a loud thump and a groan. You look of and see that Sam had fallen off the couch and landed on top of his duffle bag. You smile as he hoists himself back onto the couch, this time sitting up, and brushes his hand through his hair.

   You get up and start a pot of coffee before sitting down beside your little brother.

   "Morning Sammy." You say as you take a seat next to him.

   "Morning." Sam replies, once again combing his hair with his hand. "So todays the day."

   "We could just leave." You suggest. "Leave her with someone and come back to kill the vamps."

   "You know we can't do that. She would hate us for the rest of our lives." He replies, giving you a sad look.

   "Hey, everything will be fine." You say, getting up to fix the two of you coffee.You hope that he can't detect the fear that you can feel rising into your voice. Everything will be fine.

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