32. We've Got a Whole Lifetime Together

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"Good to see you're alive, well kind of," David joked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Well I guess you boys will just have to get used to me, we've got a whole lifetime together" I held a cheesy grin on my face as all of the boys laughed.

"Wait can I still work on my tan?" Causing everyone to laugh. "Of course that's the one thing you think about Ash!" Alice said between laughing "but yes you can actually! Because you're a witch you get the best of both worlds baby!" Alice smiled. Well that's a relief, I thought I might not be able to see the sun again. "Actually, Ash... Can Reah and I have a quick chat with you? Alone?" Alice asked with an unreadable expression. Intrigued by what the girls wanted to talk about I complied. They lead me out of the cave up to the cliff where sat and watched the waves crash into the rocks. Looking out towards the ocean the stars shone so bright and the cool air caressed my skin, the smell made my stomach churn a little but I quickly got over it.

"So...what's up?" I questioned the girls. They both looked at each other before looking back at me. "We felt something Ash" they were being ambiguous and I didn't like it. "Felt what? What do you mean you felt something?" I wanted to know and I hated it when they always took the long route to tell me things. "There was something inside of you Ash, we both felt it", Alice stared at me with concern. What the hell was she talking about! "What do you mean felt something inside of me!" I started getting annoyed at them. I began feeling nauseous as my head began to spin. Trying to calm myself down and take a few breaths, Reah rubbed my back soothingly. "Ash I know this is a bit forward but did you sleep with Marko?" Staring at Reah as she spoke, still rubbing my back, "um yeah, why does that matter?" My voice small as I was trying to figure out where this conversation was going. The sisters looked at each other and then at me. "We think you might be pregnant" my mouth fell open at Alice's words. They can't be serious. "But how would you know, that's way too early to tell if I was" my voice laced with worry. "Babe have you not read your black book? Everything is in there" Reah genuinely laughed trying to lighten the mood. "You girls know I hate reading," I laughed as the girls did. "Well let me fill you in" Alice started, "as you know witches and vampires can share special connections and it's clear you and Marko have that. Everyone can see it. Anyway, when a vampire and a witch lay with each other there's a high chance you'll get pregnant. The thing is a human pregnancy is 9 months, but a witches one kicks into hyper drive when the father is a vampire and it usually only lasts 4 months. That's why we can feel it, because everything happens so much faster." I couldn't believe what Alice had just said

Staring back out to the sea I didn't know how to process what she had just said. I wanted to travel, I had college to finish, I wasn't ready for a baby. Let alone a vampire-witch hybrid. "Hey Ash... earth to Ash... you okay hun?" Reads voice was calming. "I guess. What am I going to tell Marko?" I stared at Reah.

"Tell me what doll?" I whipped my head around to see Marko standing there with his Cheshire grin. 

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