27. You Have a Piece of My Soul

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Dear Sammy and Mikey,

If you're reading this then you'll realise I'm not at home and getting you here was to make sure you were safe, now don't go and do any stupid shit! I've finally come to realise that Santa Carla isn't what it seemed, or maybe it was but I chose to see it through rose coloured glasses, who knows. Mikey I should have looked after you better then you wouldn't be in this goddamn mess but I'm going to get you out of it okay. I know what I need to do and I finally know who needs to go, so hopefully by the time you're reading this it's already done. There's a high possibility that I might not be here anymore and if that happens I want you to do a couple of things for me.

I need you to look after Sam, mom and gramps. They'll probably need you more than ever and you'll need them too. You always looked after me when we were growing up and as you older sibling it's my turn to look after you. Sam I want you to follow your dreams and never ever let anyone make you feel small, you're one of my favourite people in this god forsaken world and I want you to dream big. Please tell Alice and Reah I love them and look after them boys. This next part is for a few different people so if you can please read this to them.

Lost boys, I want to say thank you for making me feel like I fitted in somewhere. The way you all looked out for me that time you have no idea how thankful I am. Dwayne, make sure you look after Laddie. He really likes the book 'Suppose you meet a witch'. Also Paul please don't ever stop being crazy, it suits you, also if I don't die Reah will probably kill me but that girl thinks you're hot as hell! David, stop chasing Star. You'll find the right one but she ain't it, just give it time, you've got heaps of it.

Frog Brothers, though I didn't get to know you guys well you've been really good friends for Sam and I appreciate you looking out for him and Mike. Don't stop what your doing, keeping Santa Carla safe, but just don't hurt the lost boys yeah?

Star, thank you for looking out for Mike when I couldn't. You're really good for Mike and I appreciate how much you care. I wish I could have spent more time with you, I think we would have gotten on like a house on fire!

Last but not least, Marko, I know you're probably still angry at me and I completely understand. I need you to know that I would never hurt you or the boys. Ever since I met you I knew you were going to be someone who made a mark on my life, and that you have. You bring a smile to my face every time you pop into my head. Not only do you have a piece of my heart, but you have a piece of my soul and you always will.

This is less of a goodbye and more of a see you again.



We all stood there in silence as Mike read Ash's letter, I was still trying to process what was said. "She's going to kill Max, to save Mike, but how?" Dwayne broke the silence. "What do you mean Max?" The frog brothers demanded an answer. "Well Max is the head vampire, you have to kill him to turn Michael back" Paul explained. The brothers were confused to say the least.

"But he passed the tests, how come he passed?" Sam was shocked. "If you invite a vampire into your home you render yourself powerless" David spoke, their eyes widening. "But how is she going to kill him? If she goes to his house it won't work?" I asked.

"ALRIGHT! Where the hell is Ash?" A voice startled us from the entrance of the cave

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