20. I Don't Want You, I Need You

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A/N: I have never written smut so if this sounds crappy my apologies! Also ^ look at that damn smile!


When our lips first touched I could feel the heat rising within me and when they touched the second time I felt like I was on cloud nine. A darkness taking over me, I needed Marko, it was like a switch flicked and I wasn't going to live without him. It felt so surreal, we hadn't known each other very long but I felt like I had known him my whole life. His finger tips gripping onto my waist I couldn't take the tension any longer. Hopping off of him I grabbed his hand taking him down to the cave trying not to trip on anything but I couldn't wait any longer. I pushed him down onto the couch and straddling him his hands roaming the curves of my body, relishing in his touch.


Sliding my hands up her thighs, her skin soft under my fingers, I gently kissed her neck feeling her head fall back giving me better access. Making my way down to her collar bone peppering kisses everywhere, soft mumbles escaping those cherry lips. Staring back up at her she held my gaze for a split second.


Marko placed soft kisses upon my skin causing goosebumps to form. Kissing him with urgency I started clawing at his jacket. Taking the hint he ripped my shirt off leaving me exposed on full view and I could see him taking it all in. Lust had taken over, I was beginning to become needy. I needed him, a smirk playing on my lips seemed to tip him over the edge. With a strong grip on me he flipped us over, hovering over my small frame.


God she looked so good! I slipped her skirt off feeling her body relax under me. Trailing kisses down her body I watched with eager eyes as soft moans escaped her lips. Stopping I traced my fingers at the top of her panties, I could tell she was becoming frustrated with my teasing. Smirking I took them off soaking up the view before lowering my head lapping up her sweetness. Her moans becoming louder as I began swirling circles around her clit with my tongue. My own excitement growing as her breathing became ragged and her back arched. Her legs began to shake and her hand tangled with my hair. Tipping over the edge her moans vibrated through the cave. Licking my lips I looked back at her, a fire igniting in my soul as I saw her laying there. Kicking off my jeans and chaps I lined myself up, looking into her eyes she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me to her lips. Slowly sliding in I let her adjust before thrusting deep inside of her, my pace gradually quicken as her moans began to fill the air once more. Reaching down and massaging her clit her back arched allowing me to go deeper, her moans were filling the cave and I could feel myself nearing my high. Waiting for Ash I could feel her walls tighten around me and her legs begin to shake, her breathy moans escaping her lips as we both peaked in sync. Staring down at her she was an image of beauty, she was going to be mine.

Falling and resting on top of her she played with my curls, both of us coming down form our high.

"Marko" her sweet voice filling my ears "Yeah doll?" I said staring up at her while she continued playing with my hair. Her eyes staring at me with an emotion I hadn't seen for a long time, "I don't want you" my heart dropping slightly as the words left her mouth. I guess she could tell by my reaction I was a little hurt as she smiled "I need you". Realising what she had said I looked deep into her soul, I needed her just as much as she needed me, finally understanding what I could now feel. I was falling for her.

I was falling in love with Ash Emerson.

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