8. Hudsons Bluff

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What is this guys problem, I looked at David with an intense stare waiting for what he was going to say next. He grabbed Star's hand and guided her onto his bike. Mike was a tad gobsmacked watching her leaving him and go to David.

Cocking my eyebrow I looked at the girls who shared a similar confused face to mine.

"You know where Hudsons Bluff is, overlooking the point?" David asked Mike. There was no way his bike could keep up with David's. As if he read my mind Mike piped up, "I can't beat your bike" "You don't have to beat me Michael, you just have to keep up" David challenged.

Marko drew my attention to him with his silky voice, "Well do you pretty ladies wanna join?" He questioned. Staring at the girls we each shared a sly grin. "Sure, along as you don't plan on killing us" Reah joked. It seemed like I was the only one to notice the glances the boys shared between each other but I shook the feeling off. Marko extended his hand out to mine, looks like I was riding with him, much to Michaels dismay. "Ash come with me please, at least I'll know you'll be safe" Michael stared at me, while I grabbed Marko's hand. "Mikey it's fine, you can take Alice since Dwayne already has a little rider" I smiled at Laddie. Alice straddled Mikes bike before he could protest, and boy if looks could kill, Star was throwing daggers Alice's way making me chuckle.

The rumble of the bikes echoed through my ears sending shivers down my spine, god I loved the sound. Snaking my arms around Marko's waist the tips of my fingers came into contact with his skin first, since he was wearing his white crop top. I could feel his breath hitch at the contact which only caused a smirk to grace my face. Scooting closer to him he felt a lot colder than I expected but I didn't mind, it was a nice contrast from the heat I was so used to in Phoenix. In an instant we were off, down the stairs and onto the beach, the unevenness of the stairs made me grip onto Marko tighter.


When her fingers touched my skin I could feel her warmth, it was something I missed from the living world. I couldn't get enough of her scent. It was the exact same as the night I first saw her; Vanilla, pumpkin and cinnamon. Her grip tightened as we went down the stairs towards the beach making me smirk, thinking about how tight she was going to hold me through the woods towards Hudsons Bluff.

I could feel her warm breath nipping at my neck and felt her grip loosen as we cleared the woods. She now had her arms outstretched, as if she was flying through the air. Glancing back I saw her eyes shut, like she was enjoying every moment. As much as I wanted to prove to the guys I could kill her, my confidence was starting to dwindle, I truly didn't know if I could do it.


Feeling the wind through my hair I couldn't help but feel free, if I could feel like this forever I would. I mean I could if I wanted to but that would come at a price, a price I wasn't sure I was willing to pay. Us girls had talked about it before but we always pushed the idea to the back of our minds because we weren't one hundred percent sure we were ready.

"ASH!" Reah yelled from the back of Paul's bike, her arms free like mine we both smiled at each other.

Looking forward I could see Michael with Alice, and David with Star, speeding up almost as if they were trying to race. They were getting further away from us and closer to the edge of the cliff, too close for my liking. "MIKEY! Slow down!" I screamed hoping he'd hear me and slow down. Alice held fear in her eyes, Mike looked at David one last time before coming to a sudden stop. Mike looked pissed and honestly so was I. They could have died, god I wanted to beat David's ass right now, same with Mike. If he wasn't so caught up on impressing Star he wouldn't have been so careless.

I tried listening to their conversation but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Marko grabbed my hand, as I looked down watching him intertwine his fingers with mine, "we're here" he whispered.

Holding tightly he guided me down the old wooden stairs while the others were walking in front of us. As soon as I entered it reeked of death but it still looked... homely.

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