10. Surfer A**holes

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Nearing the boardwalk, and Alice's car, what we didn't expect to see was a gang of surfer nazis gathered near her car. Because we had just had that damn joint, at a push, I could probably take on two, same with Alice but Reah could probably only take on one and there was about 8 having a shindig around her car. "Ash do you think we could just walk back to your grandpas?" Alice whispered "I wish but it's way too far" looking at Alice I could see a hint of fear in her eyes, similar to the look she had when we were at the cliff.

We made our way to her car, trying to be as sneaky as possible but there was no way we were going to get passed them without being seen. "Hey! You're that little shit from last night!" The guy yelled as he walked up to me. "Look I just want to go home okay" raising my hands up as a sign of surrender, bad move Ash, bad move! He grabbed my wrists squeezing tightly and I could feel another one grabbing my forearms from behind. I struggled against their grip trying my hardest to get out, it only made them tighten their grip. The guy behind me grabbed my left wrist while the one from last night moved his hand to my neck, struggling to get out of his grip and now struggling to breath I didn't know what to do.

He threw me to the ground knocking the wind from my lungs and I felt a boot connect with my stomach and ribs. Gasping for air I curled into a ball but that didn't last long. Grabbing a handful of my hair he made me look at him, anger evident in my eyes and fear surging through my body. He punched me twice, splitting my lip in the process. The metallic taste dancing on my tongue, that's when I heard shouting from Alice and Reah. They were going to start on them next but thankfully Sam and the Frog brothers came running towards us, somehow the brothers had stakes and shit, anybody would think they were planning on hunting vampires or something. They hit the surfer nazis multiple times with their wooden stakes in the end scaring them off, who knew they'd be scared of young teenage boys. "Ash are you okay? Shit you're bleeding and your cheek it's bruised" Sam helped me off of the ground. "Sam we need to get her home, you're coming as well. We aren't leaving you out here with those assholes" Alice instructed. "Do you boys need a ride too?" Reah asked the Frog brothers. "Uh actually yeah that would be good, we've just shut the shop and our house isn't far from theirs" Alan said pointing to Sam and I.

Getting into Alice's car, it was a tight squeeze since we had an extra person in the back seat. The cool sea air felt nice on my burning lip and cheek. After dropping Edgar and Alan off we made it back home. Nanook was waiting for Sam, I was leaning on Reah for support as we made it to my bedroom. "Are you sure you're okay sis?" Sam asked, worry laced his words. "Don't worry Sammy, I'm a tough cookie" I replied with a smile, with that I gave him a warm hug and told him to go to bed. The girls washed off the blood, Alice helping me getting into my pjs while Reah grabbed some ice from the fridge for my face and ribs. "You need to rest Ash" Reah instructed. "Yes mom" my reply dripping with friendly sarcasm. We each laughed and went to bed. The girls fell asleep instantly but I couldn't help but think about how much I was going to miss them. My mind drifted to Mike, I hope he wasn't doing anything stupid. He was normally pretty good but there was something about these 'lost boys' that felt different, almost wrong and I didn't want him getting mixed up in it. 

With one last thought entering my mind,


 I drifted off to sleep.

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