24. Why Would I Help You

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Pacing around the cave with the boys, we couldn't wait for the sun to set so we could tear that family apart. Just as I went to sit down on my wheelchair her sickly scent made it's way back to the cave, I could tell the boys could smell it too, their growls echoing through the cave as we looked towards the entrance. Sure enough she was back, this girl had balls coming back into the lions den when we're hungry for blood.


I knew they'd be there, the sun was still out so of course they would be, what I didn't expect was all of them there looking at me like fresh meat. They all looked at me like I was a piece of shit, it hurt to say the least but it was nothing compared to how I felt seeing Marko staring at me with hate. Ash, focus on what you came for. Looking back at David I could see him making his way towards me a sadistic smirk playing on his face. As he reached me you could see his demeanour change when my protection spell stopped him from getting closer. Confusion replacing the anger for a split second, "What do you want?" Hate seeping through his words. "Look David, I'm sorry" I said looking down "but I need your help" staring back at him. "And why would I help you? You tried to kill us" he started yelling. "David, please" I begged "You look worthless when you beg" he spat, the rest of the boys laughing, Marko included. My eyes glazing over at the sight, I told myself to be strong, I came for one thing and that's what I was going to get. David's face softened slightly, though the others didn't notice I did. Reaching into his mind I knew vampires could talk to each other through their minds, I was going to try and get through to David using my own gifts. Concentrating my eyes staring directly into David's a buzzing sound entering my head.


Wait how did you do that? He questioned

That doesn't matter... I need to know who the head vampire is.

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David if you don't tell me the brothers will be back to try and finish you off, Mike isn't like you guys. He can't be and I need your help, I don't want any of you to get hurt, I tried pleading with him

I can't tell you

David please, is it one of you?

David hesitated No... it's none of us... But you know who it is...

As David's words confirmed my belief I stood their with a thankful gaze upon my face. I saw the boys from the corner of my eye with a look of shock plastered on their faces. I felt cool liquid trickle down form my nostril. Shit! Every time I tried that my nose would always bleed, remembering why I stopped I wiped the blood off of my face. Looking back at David I nodded, the others still staring at me bewildered. I took one last look at Marko, his eyes still harbouring anger I looked down and left. I knew what I needed to do, with a head vampire at the top of my hit list I needed to do this alone.

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