5. Start of a Good Night

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Jumping out of the shower I made my way back to the bedroom where Alice and Reah were getting ready, making sure we all felt a million bucks. I helped the girls do their makeup, they still needed help making their wings extra sharp. While I was putting mine on Reah started doing my hair. "You know Ash I always love you with curly hair, you should curl it more often" "I know Reah, you tell me every time" I laughed. Giggling to ourselves we continued to get ready.

I chucked on my favourite dress with my black boots, belt and body chain.

We headed down stairs ready to dance the night away

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We headed down stairs ready to dance the night away. We piled into Alice's car with Mike on his bike, and Sam and I in the back. "Hey Ash look what I found" Reah said pulling out a couple of joints from her bag. Smiling I grabbed one and lit it inhaling slowly, Mike quickly grabbed it out of my fingers taking a hit after me. Sam tried to sneakily grab it from Mike but I quickly snatched it back, "nice try Sammy but maybe in a couple years bud" I smirked as he crossed his arms sulking. After that we were off, ready to hit the boardwalk.

We made it to the boardwalk and Sam ran off talking about some comic book store he wanted to go to I decided to check it out as well. Sam and I used to always have nerd nights where we would sit together and read, I missed them if I'm being honest. Walking in I saw Sam checking out a few comics when two guys walked up to him and started talking to him. "Sammy did you find any good ones?" I ask walking up to the group. "There are quite a few actually" Sam stated. The two boys were not subtle when it came to staring, laughing they snapped out of their daze. "Who is this Sam?" The one with the bandana asked. "Oh this is my sister, Ash" he introduced me. "Hi I'm Edgar and this is Alan, we're the Frog brothers" "Nice to meet you boys" I sent them a short smile. "They've been trying to give me these" Sam said as he handed me a comic about vampires. "Ha, Sam hates horror comics" I chuckled. "Think of it more as a survival manual. There's our number on the back and pray you never need to call us" Alan said as both boys had serious looks on their faces. I turned to Sam with a confused smirk that we both shared. "I'll pray I never need to call you. Sure" Sam nodded.

Sam decided to stay around the shops while I went to find the girls and Michael. Taking a quick stroll down the boardwalk it wasn't too long before I found the girls, apparently Michael had gone looking for a leather jacket and talked about getting his ear pierced. Dingus should have asked me I would have gladly done it for him. Alice, Reah and I took a couple of hits from Reah's last joint she had and the music began to vibrate through my veins. During the break they started playing our favourite song, blasting so loud you could get lost in the lyrics...

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