23. All of Them Will Pay!

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Snapping back I could see the commotion happening before my eyes. It looked like the brothers had slipped and fallen down with a loud thud I was back to reality realising I was the cause of their downfall. Staring up, all four boys were looking down at us, their faces had changed and David growled bearing his fangs. Sam and the Frog brothers started screaming grabbing me, struggling to get out of the cave I could feel a hand wrap around my ankle.

Looking down I saw David, his nails digging into my leg starting to draw blood. "David! Let go of me! Please!" I begged trying to break free. Sam and the Frogs were trying to pull me out, trying to get to the sun so David would let go. Tears starting to form in my eyes as Davids eyes held the same yellow shade as Michaels did. After struggling the boys finally pulled me out far enough David's hand began to burn as he let go of me. Finally we ran to the bikes as I kicked mine to life the brothers had already started riding, finally starting her up Sam and I rode away from the cave and back to the safety of our house.


I was furious! Those kids could have killed us, they were so close to killing Marko. My hand was starting to heal, I couldn't believe Ash was with those retched kids. I thought she was different but she needs to go, the whole Emerson family does, anger overtaking my mind.

"MARKO! BOYS!" I yelled calling the guys to the main part of the cave making sure to stay near the shadows. "Those asshole kids! I'm gonna kill them!" Paul was just as angry as I was. "And Ash, she was with them too" Dwayne instructed, equally furious. I could feel the conflict building inside of Marko, but that quickly dissipated and I could feel his hate growing. "They were trying to kill us, she was trying to kill us" Paul was yelling now. "They're dead, that's her included" Anger dripping from my words. Growls coming from Marko as we all looked at him. "They won't get away with this, all of them will pay" Marko's words making me proud, "Now you can drain her blood, like you should have done from the beginning" I said patting his back the anger taking over us.


Making my way inside I ran to my bedroom, grabbing the phone and slamming my door. Tears were running down my face as I looked down at my ankle the blood still trickling down. Now limping towards my bed I picked up the phone and dialled Alice and Reah's house. Calming my breathing as the phone rang I needed to compose myself before someone answered. "Hello, Alice speaking" Alice's voice calming my heart rate "ALICE!" I yelled "I'm so glad you answered" "ASH! How are you hun?" Happiness evident in her voice. Anxiety starting to fill my soul I didn't know what to say. "Hello? Ash? Are you there?" "Uh yeah I am, sorry. I've just got a lot going on. I don't know what to do Alice" my voice wavering a bit. "Ash are you okay?" Alice asked "I don't know Alice. Everything has just gotten out of control. Mikes a half vampire, the lost boys are full vampires, I've fallen in love with Marko and Sam and his friends tried to kill the lost boys while I was there. I may have used magic without even realising it" it felt good saying it all out loud but it didn't change what was happening. She calmed me down, "well to get Michael back you need to kill the head vampire, but I don't think any of those lost boys are it, I couldn't feel it when we were around them. However that Max guy could be" Alice stated what I had already thought. "See that's what I felt too but Sam said he passed the tests when he came over for dinner" I explained. "Yes, but was he invited in? If he was then of course he will, you become powerless when you invite a vampire into your house" a light switched on in my brain as Alice spoke. The only way to be sure would be to ask the lost boys, they would know if Max was the head vampire. "I need to ask the lost boys, they're the only ones who will know" "No, Ash don't you dare go and see them. They will rip you to shreds, they'll want revenge for trying to kill them" concern causing her to yell. "I'll be fine, but I need to go. I love you Alice, and Reah as well. Thank you!" I said hanging up the phone.

I needed to know, they might kill me for what just happened but I needed to know before I took matters into my own hands. Casting a mediocre protection spell I made my way back to the cave.

The afternoon sun streaming down on me as I made my way to the entrance of the cave.

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