3. Boardwalk

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God this music was something else, the dude had moves that's for sure! Jamming along with my girls was what I loved doing the most and maybe when we are also experimenting with black magic of course, something both mom and dad hated but I was in too far now. It was who I was, who I was born to be, a witch. None of my family truly knew the extent of what I got myself into, I would never want them to get involved, safe to say this shit was crazy and they were too mundane for this kinda world.

I scanned the crowed wondering if my brothers were here, since gramps said they were. Looking I managed to spot them, they weren't too far away either but it looked like Mikey wasn't even paying attention to the guy on stage, no his attention was... ha! On a girl, of course why am I not surprised I giggled to myself. Not going to lie she was beautiful, definitely Mikes type, although she had a weird aura that I could feel, but I shook it off.

I turned around to tell the girls I was going to go and see my brothers, turning back around to where my brothers were I could see Mike, followed by Sam, making a b-line for the girl. Rolling my eyes I hoped I didn't lose them in this crowd.

Dodging all the sweaty people was hard, one thing I hate about concerts was everyone in your damn personal space. I could still see them but it was still way too crowded for my liking. I finally made it out of the sea of people but lost both of my brothers, I also lost the girls too since I couldn't be bothered going back into the crowd. Guess I can just go exploring in hopes that I find at least one of them.

Making my way down the boardwalk I took in all the different smells and sounds. Food mixed with the salty sea air and the sound of rides mixed with people talking. Grabbing some cotton candy from a stall I walked around the stores checking out what was for sale. Even stopped to get another ear piercing while I was at it. It was nearing 11pm and I thought about heading back home, I kinda lost hope that I'd find anyone to be honest.

Exiting the boardwalk the stench of alcohol was running rampart up my nostrils, screwing up my face I could hearing the degrading wolf whistles from a group of degenerates. Rolling my eyes I tried speed walking to my bike but my little legs could only go so fast. With a tight grip on my arm I spun around and crashed into the chest of a brooding surfer, a goddam surfer nazi, GREAT!

"Let go of me you asshole" I struggled trying to get out of his grip. Little did I know my brothers were just walking out of the boardwalk as well, where they followed that girl who ended up being with the guys from the video store. They were sat there staring at the whole commotion.

Catching the attention of Mike and Sam, "Hey let her go you creep" Mike yelled at the surfer. "Mike I'm fine, I can handle it" I said looking at Mike. I turned back to this guy, he was really starting to piss me off. "Look asshole, has no one ever taught you to treat ladies with respect" with my last word I stomped on his foot as hard as I could and then kneed him in his crown jewels, while he was hunched over in pain I lifted his head crashing my head into his nose, knocking him cold to the ground. Those few months of self defence classes really came in handy. Turning back to my brothers their mouths hung agape and I could feel something cool trickling down my forehead. "Ash you're bleeding!" Mike yelled. Wiping the blood from my forehead I looked at it and laughed, licking it off my finger, "Calm down Mikey, I'm fine. I think I'll head back home though, I have a wicked headache" I laughed.

I got on my bike, looking forward to see those four guys from earlier. I kick started my bike saying a quick goodbye to Mike and Sam then looking back at the boys in their bike gang, smirking as I rode past them back home to grandpas.


Holy shit I had my signature Cheshire grin on my face, this girl was out of this world.

"Dude did you just see what she did?" Paul yelled. We all laughed, "yeah she literally kicked that guys ass and rode off like it meant nothing" I replied.

Okay boys, lets' get back to the cave and drop Star and Laddie off so we can feed before the sun comes up, David reminded us.

We started our bikes and rode back to the cave dropping Laddie and Star off before we went to feed but my mind kept drifting, drifting to her.

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