1. Hello Santa Carla

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With the wind flowing through my hair and the drums of Mötley Crüe banging in the background I could already smell the salty air of Santa Carla.

"Look girls we have arrived, the murder capital of the world, Santa Carla" laughed Reah. We each shared a chuckle.

At least Reah and Alice could go back to Phoenix after a week, but me, no I was staying. Mom had just divorced dad and she had already come down with Mikey and Sam to stay with Grandpa. I had to stay back and sort my transfer for college, I was a total daddy's girl too which made this whole move even worse, mind you dad could be a total a-hole sometimes.

I guess coming here wasn't too bad, at least I would be with my brothers and mom. They came down yesterday so I was going to surprise them, mom had already nabbed a job at the local video store and she was working the night shift so me and the girls had decided we would head down there later tonight.

But for now we drove around in Alice's 1969 convertible Chevrolet Camaro scoping out the place.

But for now we drove around in Alice's 1969 convertible Chevrolet Camaro scoping out the place

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"Hey can we get something to eat? Yah girl is starving" I whined as my stomach grumbled.

"Okay miss hungry, Alice there's a park and I can see a diner up the road" Reah instructed.

Ah the sun felt so good! It wasn't as scorching as Phoenix which was nice. We walked in to the diner and sat in a booth by the window. We each ordered food, my favourite being a cheeseburger and fries with a large glass of lemonade. The sun was starting to set and we needed to drop our bags off at grandpas house.

"My mom should be at work now so let's head to gramps and see if the boys are there" I said to the girls. We piled into the car and made our way to grandpas.

I seemed to have forgotten...how...hmm what's the word...eclectic grandpa's styilng was! All the stuffed animals and deer antlers everywhere. This place gave me good vibes, it felt more like home to be honest.

"Hello?, is anyone home?" I called from the front door. "No! Ashlee? Is that really you? By jingos you've grown" Grandpa engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Alice and Reah as well! I remember you two as tots hanging around with Ashlee. Did you just get here now? Your mom and brothers are going to be so happy"

"Yeah gramps we did. Actually now that you say that, where are my brothers?" I asked.

"They've gone down to the boardwalk. Sam was talking about a comic book store and said that Michael was going to try and find a girl he saw last night. Your mom is-"

"Working at the video store" I cut him off "I know I'm going down there to surprise her first, then I'll try and find the boys" I smiled at grandpa which he gave me one of his cheeky grins.

We dragged our bags upstairs to my bedroom, which we were sharing until the girls went back to Phoenix, and got dressed for a night at the boardwalk.

I decided to put on one of my favourite outfits

"Hey gramps, is my bike still in your garage?" I stood leaning on the door frame waiting for the girls

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"Hey gramps, is my bike still in your garage?" I stood leaning on the door frame waiting for the girls. "Yes peaches (his favourite nickname for me) it is, she still goes too" he smiled.

I ripped the cloth off of my bike revealing my white Honda xl, she was the exact same as Mikes, except in a lot better condition and a clean white colour. I kicked the life into her and the sweet rumble of my bike echoed through the shed. God I missed riding her. Dad hated me riding my bike so he had it shipped to grandpas, now moving here meant I was able to ride again.

The girls took Alice's car in while I rode behind them, the salt breeze giving me a windswept look as we neared the boardwalk

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The girls took Alice's car in while I rode behind them, the salt breeze giving me a windswept look as we neared the boardwalk. The lights were so bright and colourful and the sound of people echoing through my ears, this was definitely home for me.

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