A Glorious End, Part 1.1

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Here it is guys...the second last episode of the series. I just wanna thank you all for reading my story! Without you guys, voting and commenting on this. I wouldn't be where I am right now. You guys have inspired me to keep going even when I think the book is terrible so thank you all and I love you!


*Area 49B*

"Are you sure we can trust Morando?" Sergeant Costas asked Colonel as they were setting up preparations for Gaylen's core and Yotalia's Star for Morando.
"If I had known you'd second-guess me every step of the way, I would have left you in the accounting department" Colonel said as she walked in front of Sergeant.

They were standing inside a large building as there was a huge platform in the middle of it, ready for Morando.
"He's lied to us once already. Who's to say he won't lie to us again?"

"Morando is going to rule the universe. I don't want Earth to end up on his bad side" Colonel explained.
"Are you sure he has a good side?" Sergeant asked, rising his voice a little.

Colonel glanced behind her to see Morando there behind Sergeant.
"Why don't you ask him?" Colonel said Morando lifted his hand and started patting the Sergeant's head making him jump.

"Are the preparations complete, Colonel?" Morando asked her.
"We're ready, unless there's anything you'd like to say, Sergeant" Colonel said to the scared Costas.
"No, no, no, no, Colonel" Sergeant shook his head. "I'm good"

"Excellent" Morando said as the huge metal doors at the entrance slid open and six Omens came walking in, four of them were holding Gaylen's core and Yotalia's Star.
"The delson has finally come. Ever since Seklos destroyed Gaylen...the universe has descended into chaos" Morando said.

The four Omens walked onto the platform as they placed the Core and Star in it, side by side.
"It craves order...a firm hand to rule in. I will be that hand" Morando said as a soldier was setting up the remaining touches.
"I will be the God the galaxy has lacked" Morando said, peering into the crystal which held Gaylen's core.

"But what Yotalia's Star?" Colonel asked, adjusting her glasses and looking through the other crystal.

"Oh. That one, I will be powerful enough with Gaylen's core while my good friend will have Yotalia's Star. It wasn't me who wanted it, it was.." Morando trailed off as he saw the same pink gust fly through the door.

The pink gust zoomed right through the building and past Sergeant making him yelp and stumble around, the pink gust started floating around Yotalia's Star.
"Me" it breathed in a hoarsly woman's voice. "I will be the one to become a better goddess than Yotalia"

"Impressive" Colonel said with a evil grin, "I never knew your friend was a intergalactic dust cloud" Colonel said.
"Who are you calling dust cloud?" The gust snarled in Colonel's face.

"I've lost my physical body ever since that petty princess Katealia destroyed me inside her necklace. Only my spirit was able to escape and my body is gone" the gust explained, flying around Colonel.

"You have nothing to worry about, Xubula, I have finally destroyed Princess Katealia so she won't be a hazard" Morando said to Xubula. Wait she still exists!?
"Ohh, that's good. I hated her" Xubula said "now, I can finally gain another body same as my old one when I entered Yotalia's Star, I can possess it like I did with Katealia"

Morando nodded as he peered into the crystal of Gaylen's core, "do it" he spoke.

From behind them was a huge energy gun filled of green destructive energy as it started to charge up and soon a huge beam of green energy came out of it as it then collided straight into Gaylen's core first before the crystal exploded and then it moved onto Yotalia's Star as the crystal exploded as well. Destroying the protection.
Morando and Xubula started laughing in delight.

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora