Mother's day part 2

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"Time for some training" kate said as she was getting ready to jump over a huge gap between buildings

She started to run before jumping off the edge
"Wooo!!--Fraz!!!" Kate yelled as she was about to miss the edge

She missed the edge but in the last second, kate managed to use her tail and her tail grabbed the edge
Kate sighed in relief as she held onto her tail
"This..hurts" she whined in pain but she grabbed the edge with her hand and climbed onto the roof
Kate fell to the ground in exhaustion, she was already panting and was trying to catch her breath

She glanced at her tail to see it had a few scratches
"Fraz.." She cussed
"Where are you?" Kate heard travis ask
(Kaliacians can communicate through telepathy)

"I'm...somewhere, I heard a noise and went to investigate" kate lied
"I'm coming to find you"
"NO! I'm fine..see ya!"

Kate sighed again but then she spotted a blue electric line going through the power lines
"Huh? That's a strange thing"
"Time for some r-r-real adventure" kate said, rolling her Rs, she then started to run after it, she jumped off the building and continued to run at it

She arrived at the museum and saw the blue thing went inside
Kate ran to the door and try to open it but it was locked
"Of course" she looked around and spotted that someone has left the roof windows open
Kate started to climb up the museum and onto it's roof, she peered in but saw nothing, it was dark then she jumped through the window and landed on the floor

She brought out her Salater and activated it into scythe more

She cautiously crept through the museum, looking at every direction, it was dead quiet and dark

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She cautiously crept through the museum, looking at every direction, it was dead quiet and dark

It was DDD (drop-dead depressed)

She entered a open area and then she heard something clatter, she quickly turned and pointed her Salater where she heard the noise
She started hearing footsteps, she stepped back but she bumped into something or someone big

She turned and was about to strike but the big thing stopped it
Kate saw who it was and she lowered her Salater
"Uh..hi" AARGH said awkwardly

Then kate saw two other figures, it was aja and toby
"Kate? You left the mothership? What are you doing here?" Aja asked

"Okay! I snuck out, did some training, nearly died and I saw this weird thing coming here, where's zadra? And why aren't you with her?" Kate explained

"Oh, hey Kit-kat" toby waved

"Does krel know you snuck out?" Aja asked
Kate shook her head
"Nope...and if he does, he'll kill me"

Then everyone heard electricity crackling and the whole area started flashing blue
"Aja...Tarron" A voice said
"Katealia...psycia" the voice said again and kate instantly got into fighting mode

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now