There's something about Gwen part 1

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Warning: there's gonna be huge drama between kate and krel

No one's P.O.V
Krel was in the mothership, building the wormhole
Kate said she was coming over in a while and staja were out getting something for krel, an anti-vortex siphon
"Ugh Kleb" krel muttered

Then for some reason, he heard his phone go off, he picked it up, thinking it was kate
He unlocked his phone but it wasn't was Crystal, weird

He saw she sent him a big text, he opened it and read it

As he read it, he was getting more shocked than ever
"What.." He peered at the message

Crystal= hey's me, Crystal and....there's something you should know...kate has been getting depresser and depresser day by day, minute by minute probably don't want a depressed girlfriend, I won't be surprised if you don't love kate need a girlfriend whose beautiful, talented and not about it? You need someone like me plus you've been spending less and less time with kate, call me💖💖

Krel dropped his phone as he was very shocked at the message
Crystal has developed feelings for krel and she thinks he needs to break up with kate!?

"Stuart I don't think you're ex-girlfriend wants to eat you!" Krel heard Kate's voice coming from the living room
"Krel!" Kate called
Krel quickly grabbed his phone and started heading to the living room

"Hi love.." He said, nervously
"There's my prince" kate gave krel a kiss
Kate didn't looked depressed at all!

"Um..kate, were any of your siblings acting..weird today?" Krel asked

Kate thought
"Well, yeah actually, Crystal, she was giving this look" and kate made a face that looked like a disgusted and evil look together

Krel hesitated as he handed kate his phone
"You might want to read this.." Krel stood nervously

Kate looked confused as she took his phone and read the message


Krel got ready to run back into mother
"Bye!" Krel ran

"No you don't!! Krel tarron get back here!!!" Kate yelled as she chased after krel
She then tackled him and was now sitting on his stomach with krel on the ground

"Why would Crystal send this??..." Kate's voice cracked a little

"I don't know, I was working on the wormhole when I got that" krel tried to explain

Kate stood up as she turned around and started to cry
"Why...I thought Crystal was a great sister" she choked on her tears

Krel felt guilty as he walked to kate, hugged her from behind while running a hand up and down her arm
"I don't know what has happened to Crystal but..I don't love her, I love you" krel tried to reason with her

Kate's emotion changed as she growled
"I'M GONNA KILL HER!!" she yelled with rage

Then aja and steve came in
"Someone order an anti-vortex siphon?" Steve asked as he struggled to hold it

"I'll take that" krel walked over and took the anti-vortex from steve
Then luug came and attacked steve

All kate was feeling was rage
"Ugh!!" She smashed the phone down and angrily sat on the couch

"What's wrong with kate?" Aja asked

"We're trying to sort things out, Crystal sent me a message that kate did not like at all" krel showed them the message and were shocked as well

"Okay...I'm guessing the Crystal will be dead" aja said

Krel picked up the siphon
"Oh! A wormhole generator, hey any chance you could get that thing up and running by, say, this afternoon before stuey goes kablooey?" Stuart asked

"Why? Is kubritz after you now?" Aja asked

"I have been keeping four eyes on kubritz, she appears to be 'lying low' as the humans say, stuart has a worse stalker.his ex-girlfriend" vex explained

Then a gigantic creature peered into the window, probably his ex-girlfriend
Steve screamed
"Hello, there" aja greeted
"Hey" but stuart shut the blinds
"No, you don't understand, Gwendolyn of Gorbon is a true monster, okay?, She's the female version of darrel" stuart said

"Things might've started out good, yeah sure" then a flashback of stuart and Gwendolyn appeared
"I remember on our first anniversary, we made a snorfing pot together" then stuart held up what looked like a twisted pot

Then he..placed it on his nose and green goo started coming out of his nostril
"Ugh! Alien dates are weird" steve said, grossed out but aja punched him in the arm

"But I couldn't ignore my four hearts' true feelings, I wasn't ready to settle down, I had no choice but to break it off..gently" then another flashback appeared

"And you never came back?" Aja asked after stuart explained it

"Never, gorbons have very simple principles--they either mate for life or devour their ex, I had to escape, so I hightailed it out of durio and crashed here, haven't heard a peep from her since, well, since today" Stuart explained

"You ran out on her? She probably just wants closure" aja suggested

"Yeah, well I hadn't thought of that. I still don't want to go alone"

"Varvatos will tag alone but only because a dance lesson with nancy sounds most enjoyable" vex said as he waltzed around
"Yes thank you!"

"Ugh! While you all mash your faces together, I'm going to break the laws of physics" Krel said, grossed out as he picked up the siphon again and went inside mother

A surprised squeak was heard from Kate who was still at the couch, she face-planted into the coffee table
"You know what stu" kate shot up
"I'll come too because that Akiridion doesn't like 'mashing faces together' and I need to relax after that message from Crystal" kate stood up

"Oh! Thank you kate!" Stuart was grateful

But then Kate's phone rang and she answered it
"What Crystal?.." She asked, bitterly

"Just wanna know from my favourite sister! How's things going with you and krel?" Crystal used that happy tone but kate knew it was fake

Kate snarled
"Escucha Crystal, es mejor que te mantengas alejado de mi novio o de lo contrario, te arrancaré la cabeza, haré que tu cerebro se escape de tus oídos y te llevaré al hospital y sabes que lo haré con alguien antes, una vez más, mantente alejado de krel!!!" Kate angrily yelled in Spanish

(Translation: listen Crystal, you better stay away from my boyfriend or else, I will rip off your head, make your brain leak out of your ears and I will put you in hospital and you know I will cause i did it to someone before, one more time, stay away from krel!!!)

Then kate hung up
"I'm calm" she made a fake smile as everyone just stared blankly at her
"I'll just talk to the Akiridion and make sure he doesn't kill himself" kate walked inside mother...

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now