Luug's Day Out part 1

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The Psycia Siblings were with the Tarrons as Aja was talking to Jabe and Izita while krel was...putting a camera on luug?
(I'm aware that kate looks drunk and high in the drawing)

"Morando has an Omen posted on every corner these delsons" Jabe informed

"We know things are getting worse on Akiridion-5," Aja looked at kate, Crystal and travis
"And possibly worse on Kaliac but we think we have some good news, krel" aja then turned to krel

"You think there's a way to get to kaliac?" Kate asked Travis, he sighed and shook his head
"Not that I know of" he said, disappointed
Kate just hummed in response

"Must you play with that bag of flatulence right this moment?" Varvatos asked annoyed as he held Krel's boombox and krel adjusted the camera
"Luug's our little cameraman, he's going to record this momentous occasion" Krel explained "hold still! Aha! There"

Krel took out Luug's Mr. Happy ball toy as he threw it to Travis
"Here you go" and soon Luug basically tackled Travis to the ground
"Haha!" Kate and Crystal laughed as Travis was trying to get luug off
"Ugh! Down luug! Get off!" He grunted

"And what is the momentous occasion?" Izita asked
"Repairing our spaceship proved futile, so voilà!" Krel said as he gestured to a Akiridion technology gadget
(Am I the only one who found it cute when he said voilà?)

"Oh...huh" Izita pretended to understand as Jabe shrugged

"I built a device that will create a wormhole" Krel explained as he pushed a button and the blue portal thing appeared
"Isn't that lively?" Aja asked
"It's Frazzing brilliant" kate commented as she observed it

"Yes Brilliant" Izita agreed as another blue portal appeared beside them but it was small and wouldn't be able to fit a person in
"Now, it is just a prototype and I don't know if it works yet, but, yes, heh, I am brilliant, thank you" Krel basically bragged as he bowed

Kate rolled her eyes at him
"You did get that in camera didn't you?" Krel asked Luug who was now sitting happily on travis' stomach as Travis laid there looking defeated
Luug just barked as he tried to get the Mr. Happy ball from Travis' hand

"The boombox, if you please" krel said as he gestured to Varvatos, Varvatos groaned
"You promised" krel pointed at him
"Something Varvatos now regrets" Vex muttered
"Hit the pose"

Then Varvatos turned the boombox on as he held it above his head with an funny unamused face, kate stiffed a laugh
Then music started playing

"What are those sounds?" Izita asked curiously as jabe covered his..wait akiridions don't have ears
"Earth's greatest contribution! It's called Music" krel said as he started dancing

Soon Jabe started dancing in the background
"In just a few sectons, you will taste the chocolatey goodness of Earth's most cherished delicacy, the Nougat--" krel said

Kate started growing impatient as she grabbed the boombox from vex and she freaking threw it into the wormhole
"Kate no!" Krel yelled

The boombox came zooming through the wormhole as Jabe tried to catch it
"Got it" he said as the music was now playing on Akiridion-5
"It worked!" Izita said

"My demo tape was in there!" Krel exclaimed at Kate who had a unamused face as well
"You were boring me" she said

Aja then hugged krel
"Ah! You did it, little brother! Now Akiridion-5 is right there!" She cheered

Crystal took Luug off Travis as he stood up but then accidentally dropped the Ball as it fell off the platform, Luug whined sadly

"We can finally go home!" Aja cheered
"And leave earth?" Kate asked sadly because they might be leaving while the Psycia Siblings are still in earth with no way of communicating with Kaliac

"Not yet" krel picked up the Wormhole generator
"I will have to magnify the technology, so we can send something bigger than a box of boom" Krel said

"Until then, we will gather the resistance" Izita informed
"Loth Saborian is being held captive by Morando" Jabe explained

"You must free him, he cannot be allowed to come to harm" Aja told them
"It shall be down, my queen-in-waiting" they bowed before logging off

"We are going home, little brother!" Aja laughed happily

Kate felt something in her Star like sadness? Well, she's sad that they're going away but she knew they weren't that close..right?
Kate basically pouted

Varvatos then started to leave
"Varvatos where are you going?" Aja asked him
"Varvatos needs a moment, he has to consider the bitter side of goodbye" then Vex left

There was that thing again in Kate's star, it was definitely sadness but she thinks that it just what happens when friends leave, it can't be anything else right?
She felt like exact same when Jim and Claire and the others left, she cried for weeks because they left until she'd met Aja and Krel and now they're leaving and kate will experience the same cycle

She was snapped out of her thoughts when krel spoke
"And the Award for brilliant engineer goes to...hahaha me! Krel Tarron!" Krel laughed as he held the generator in the air
"And the universe goes wild!" Aja played along

Then those two started cheering as Crystal and travis joined in by chanting 'krel krel krel krel' but kate just stood there as she couldn't process the thought of aja and krel leaving for real

But then luug jumped and grabbed the generator from Krel
"Oh! You drop it! Right now!" Krel demanded as he pointed at luug
To be honest, kate found it kind of hot when krel uses that demanding voice
"Give it back! Give it!"

Luug had half of the generator in his mouth as he thought it was a ball
"Luug, dropped it!" Kate commanded sternly with a stern look on her face as well but Luug ignored her.

"Let me try" Aja said as she crouched down in front of luug
"Luug, can you drop it for me?" Aja used a soft, pleading voice as she crouched down as well

Luug ran around
"Pleeeeeease? I'll give you all the Mr. Happy Balls in the galaxy if you do" Aja begged as she reached out

But then it fully!
"Oh no" they all said
"How can that? Fit into that?" Travis asked pointing at luug

Luug panted happily but then his stomach gurgled, he then farted his usual big cloud of purple gas but when the gas cleared up...Luug disappeared
They all covered their noses in disgust
"The Prototype is gone!" Krel exclaimed
"You're dog is gone, you idiot!" Travis told him

Luckily Luug still had the camera on him as the video appeared on Krel's phone as they all looked at the phone to see that Luug has teleported at the Diner as everyone there screamed, panicked and ran for their lives at the sight of Luug

"Luug is Downtown? How did this happen" Krel wondered
"It's doesn't matter. That's the Diner, it isn't far. I can get to him" Aja said
"I'm coming with you" Kate told her
"Me too" Crystal added
"I'll stay here" Travis said

"I think Luug's Stomach acids have scrambled the device, the next time he has a..." Krel gagged imitating Luug's farts "Gaseous episode, he could end up anywhere in town" then he gasped
"Or the galaxy"

"We're going after him, call me when you see where he ends up next!" Aja said as she got on her hoverboard and changed to human

Kate and Crystal quickly followed her as they used their telekinesis to fly and soon they changed to human as well

"Wait kate don't leave me with him!" Krel begged as he gestured to Travis
"He'll kill me!"

Soon the girls exited the mothership as Krel and Travis looked at each other, Travis was basically giving krel a death glare as krel chuckled nervously

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now