III Gotten Gains part 1

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With the royals
"Lively!" Aja said as she stared at a hologram of her serrator that just got an upgrade
"I upgraded your serrator like you asked, it may be a little too strong for you" krel explained as he worked on a wormhole so they can get back to Akiridion-5
"Too strong for me? Now I can actually manifest an ionic boomerang" aja pointed her serrator at a target and activated it into a blaster as a circle appeared behind her

"Careful, it's going to be hard to control" krel ensured

"I got this" she shot but she was sent flying back and hit the wall

Then the door opened and kate walked in
But lately kate has been...DDD (drop-dead depressed) ever since Xubula happened
She's been keeping herself in her room and not speaking to anyone

Life has really changed for kate ever since she met the twins
Like season 1, she thought she was just 'human' but now season 2 has been really life-changing, literally
It's like she's a whole different person now

"Hi love" Krel said as he gave her a 'hello' kiss on the lips
Kate saw aja on the floor
"Wow aj, did mother have an earthquake?" She jokely asked

"I told you, you need to be focused" krel told her, annoyed

"I know, you'll see" then aja went back and tried again

"Luug, drop the ball" krel told luug as luug dropped the ball he had in his mouth

Krel picked it up
"Now, luug, prepare to be amazed as your Mr. Happy ball, travels through a wormhole to another planet galaxies away"

Kate watched
"At least it's not a gyre or Mr. Happy ball would of be sick like I was when I first went on a Gyre" she said then aja came flying

Krel pressed something on the wormhole and it created a small blue vortex
"Holy sheesh-kebab" kate said, breathless

"Attempt 37 is a go!" Krel threw the ball in

Krel gasped
"Seklos and gaylen!, I-its working? *laugh* this time it's really..."
"3...2...1" Kate counted down

Then krel was whacked in the face with pieces of the ball
Krel took a piece out of his mouth

Luug ran and whined at the now, shredded ball
"Ugh..busted" Krel face-planted into the table

"Good idea, not testing the wormhole on yourself, my royal" mother said

"I'm not a soolian, mother" krel leaned on the table but the table slipped and krel fell with an "oof"
"If only I could counteract the electromagnetic fields and prevent this spaghettification" krel explained

"I have absolute no idea what you're talking about but I'm gonna pretend I do know" kate smiled

"Who's a good boy, you are! Yes yes you are, now go get another ball" krel said to luug in a baby voice which kate found quite adorable

Then luug went to get a ball
"And you say I'm the one who's adorable" kate jokely put a hand on Krel's cheek like what mothers do
"Stop it" Krel removed Kate's hand from his face while smiling

Aja laughed
"Spaghettification, sorry, geezer but that's my new favourite human word!" Aja shot again but was immediately sent away

"We need some sort of antigravity suction" Krel started

"You mean like the kind that could lift a car into the sky in the middle of diver's Ed?" Aja suggested

"Aha! The Zeron's retrieval ray! I told you I wasn't a soolian, mother!"

"That was my idea"

Then luug came with a ball in his mouth
"Good boy luug" kate crouched down
"Now give to Kit-kat" she put her hands out and luug dropped the ball in her hands
"Muy bien!"

She stood up
"Hey, krel think fast" she playfully threw the ball at krel and it hit him at the side of his head
"Oof kate! That's it, get back here" he started chasing her all over the mothership while Kate was giggling
But krel caught her

"Ah! He spanked my buttocks!"

"No I didn't!"

*time skip*
"Be good while we're gone, luug" aja said as her, krel and kate got on her hoverboard
"And keep away from that wormhole"

They were about to leave the mothership when they were stopped by Varvatos then they all fell off
"Vex, this better be good" kate got up and crossed her arms
After they rescued Varvatos, kate was still a little unsure if vex has really regretted it, so she's a little off by him

"We're going on a retrieval mission" aja stated

"Varvatos vex cannot allow you to leave" vex said then zadra came walking forward
"For once, commander vex and I are in agreement"

"I liked it better when they were arguing" aja whispered to krel and kate as they laughed a little

"You've been summoned by the local education board to partake in a different mission, one we believed might be crucial to maintaining your human identifies" zadra handed them a folder that had the mascots' face on

"Might be crucial? It's torture!" Kate whined

"Fine, but you have to pick up something for us" krel said

"Mm, what's our mission?" Aja asked

"You will not like it" Kate stated

The school bell rang as coach came bashing into the classroom
"Welcome to summer school! All right, listen slackers, this is boot camp for your brain"

"What? AAARRRGGHH? What are you doing here?" Coach asked as argh was trying to fit in a desk besides toby but the desk was crushed into pieces

"Uh, he's looking to expand his education horizons" toby explained
"Also got hungry" arrgh added who was eating books

Then coach went into no-mans land about arrgh joining the wrestling team

then coach snapped into reality
"I'm getting ahead of myself, and..Psycia! No feet on the desk!" Coach scolded as Kate took her feet off the desk
"Anyway, first we gotta do attendance, wait tarron? You don't belong here" coach said

"Finally we agree on something" krel said, smiling
Kate giggled
"Slow your roll, DJ kleb, aja, it says you need to make up gym? But you're my star athlete" coach stated

Kate cleared her throat
"I-i mean, you're one of my star athletes" coach corrected

"This doesn't make sense, there must be some mistake" aja said to krel and kate
"What are you in for?" She asked toby

"I missed 45 days of school apparently Trollhunting's not good for your GPA, and it's no surprise you're here, Kit-kat" toby turned to Kate

Kate crossed her arms and shrugged
"I missed more, 56 days of school and I've been late 34 times, that's a new record, been busy with Kaliacian stuff"

Krel turned to her
"I don't understand, you're all..um kind and sweet when we're not in this prison but here, you're a whole different person"

"I got a reputation that I had for about 3 years now" kate explained

But she spotted some green vans parking outside as everyone surrounded the window to see
Then area 49B soldiers were coming out

Kate gasped as she covered her mouth and she stepped back in fear
Soon she started shaking
"Love, are you alright?" Krel asked as he came to her side
"I-its them..this isn't good"

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now