The Brainwashed Bff

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It was summer school time as kate was stuffing her books into her locker as she swung her bag over her shoulder, she was about to shut the locker when someone literally came sliding in and leaning onto the locker beside kate smoothly

"Hello, my Katalina" it was Darrel, Kate huffed
"How, would you like too--NEUGH!!" Darrel was cut off as kate literally slammed Darrel with her locker door with a huge
"OW!" Darrel cried as he held his nearly-broken nose in his hands
"You broke my nose!" He exclaimed before running away crying

Kate scoffed
"Baby" she said as she closed her locker and walking towards inside the building, as she entered the building, the hall was packed with kids, some were talking with their friends and some were alone

she walked down the hall, she can feel the stare of some people on her as she shuddered and turned around, people were staring at her
"So? So what if I'm the weird girl! Doesn't mean you have to stare at me!!!" She yelled as everyone quickly scrambled away in fear

Soon she spotted Travis at the end of the hall, placing stuff in his locker

After Travis finished putting his stuff away, he closed the locker
"What's up big bro?"
"AH!" Travis screamed as kate was standing beside him, scaring him

"Don't do that!" He told her, placing his hand over his Star
"You nearly gave me a star-attack" he said
Kate smirked
"Actually I wanna talk to you" she said

Travis sighed
"Kate, please don't tell me you exploded crystal's hair again" he said
Kate looked offended
"No! That was one time" she told him
"'s about Rhiana"


Travis tried to run but kate grabbed the end of his shirt and pulled him back
"Ow!!! Owowow, control your super strength! You nearly pulled my hair out" Travis exclaimed

"Oh yeah I did, didn't i? Whatever, haven't you notice that she hasn't been coming to school for a few months lately?" Kate asked

"Yep! I can easily smell the peace and freedom!" Travis obnoxiously said as he spread his arms open and loudly breathing him
"Stop it, you're embarrassing me" kate said as travis looked at her
"You're my sister, now you know how I feel" Travis roasted

Kate gasped
"Take that back or you're gonna take my fist!" She frightened
Travis scoffed
"Is that a challenge?" He crossed his arms, full of confidence
Kate death-glared him while starring into his soul

"Uuuuuhhh I'm sorry!" Travis squeaked "whoa! You're scary enough to make kids apologise" he said
"Back to Rhiana!!" Kate whined like a toddler in a toy store

Travis sighed
"Yes, I've noticed she hasn't been here, I knew it felt like a vacation" he said
Kate looked at him like 'really'
"Listen I'm just..worried, I mean me and Rhiana have been close since Kindergarten! I wanna know what's happening to her" kate explained

"I know how long you two have been close for, it's the except time of how I'm scared to her" Travis said
"You're scared of everything" kate stated with a unamused face

Travis blinked
"Back to Rhiana huh?" He said
"Look I'm sure everything's fine, I mean it can't be like she's been kidnapped by someone"

Kate gawked
"Kidnapped? Why did you say that!? Now I'm super worried!" She exclaimed

Everything was cut off when the bell rang and kids scrambled to get to their class as the hallway was endorsed by Chatter from students
"Gotta get to social studies, see ya sis" Travis ruffled Kate's hair before walking off

Kate pouted before blowing a piece of ruffled-up hair out of her face and stomping to class

*after class*

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now