"I'm a..what?"

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here's the chapter we've been waiting for!
No spoilers! Just read! Please!


It was morning and the sun was rising, the birds were chirping, a beautiful breeze was made, it was beautiful

And a lazy kate sleeping and snoring, seriously you'll think daddy pig lives in kate
Kate's body was literally sprawled out, she had a arm and a leg dangling off the rock while her other arm was on her head and her other leg was dangling off the other side
Oh! And she was drooling onto the rock, perfect morning!

A raindrop dropped from above rocks and hit kate in the face, she moved and grumbled
"No..go away Travis..or I'll punch you" she grumbled sleepy
Another raindrop came and kate scrunched up her nose

Soon after a fourth raindrop, kate finally decided to open her eyes
She moaned before sitting up and instantly her back started hurting
"Sleeping on a hard rock is a no-good" she said to herself

She stood up and yawned before stretching, she was in the same clothes from yesterday since she didn't bring any clothes at all
It's been a week and four days since kate ran and so far, she's survived,I mean...it's kate

Kate smiled before looking around to see the sun hiding behind the trees and the breeze was nice as well

Well..it was nice until

A bird pooped on Kate's hand
"Ew!!! What was that for!!" Kate exclaimed angrily

"Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew" she kept repeating as she ran to where she saw a lake the previous night

She arrived at the lake and started washing the birds poop off, it was super gross, kate gagged
"Greeeeat morning" she said sacasticly

Then after she washed out the birds poop, she started washing her face which had bags under eyes and red cheeks from the cold last night
She splashed water on her face and soon she dragged her hands down her face in annoyance, she sighed and peered into the lake

But what she saw shocked her

As she peered..she saw the woman walking beside her in her reflection and smiling at kate
Kate gasped and looked beside her but to see nothing...
"What?" She whispered

Kate looked back into her reflection and saw the pink-skinned woman again but then she disappeared
"Strange" kate said

Kate looked behind her to see some pink sparkles there and they're gone
"Life is strange" but kate got a feeling that it'll get even stranger...

*skip to the end of the day*
Kate walked back to the cave, she managed to find some berries sooo that was good enough for food
It was super dark outside as the moon was the only light kate had

Kate yawned and laid down onto the rock and soon she fell asleep

*in Kate's head*
The dark void was back again
"Hello mystery woman" kate said as the woman appeared

But the woman was in a different and quiet mood

Kate was kinda concerned
"You ok?" She asked

The woman sighed
"My dear...I think it's time you find out the truth"

Kate was shocked at first
"W-what? What truth?" She asked scared

But the woman just brought out a weird shaped thing that looked familiar to kate

But the woman just brought out a weird shaped thing that looked familiar to kate

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"Hold up..why does that look familiar?" Kate asked

"You'll find out"

Then the woman raised her weird thing and it started to glow pink and a light came out of the top and dive bombed onto the ground

Then the whole void changed, the floors were starting to change pink with strange markings on them then a vision of a..beautiful planet appeared

It had five moons and had three rings and you could see a beautiful pattern on it
"Woah..that planet's beautiful" kate said breathless as the woman walked to beside her

"It is, my dear..I mean it was" kate looked at the woman in confusion

The woman sighed
"How do I start? Well...kate, my dear, you have a really great destiny and you must be prepare for what's about to be said to you"

Kate was super confused and started to get a bit scared
"What do you mean?" She asked

The woman was silent
"Kate...my dear

"I am...your mother"

To be continued....

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now