psychic with a fever

393 8 7

This was requested by Emma7787 so thank you!

It was a normal sunny day in Arcadia and kate was in the kitchen, sitting at the table, studying for summer school while travis was making something..loudly!
Travis was putting some stuff into a pot or something, he picked up a bottle of some brown stuff and put some in the pot
"Little of this, little of that" he was a maniac putting stuff in

Kate stopped, turned and stared at her brother with a 'really' look
Travis tried to put some juice in but wasn't coming out so he started the spank the bottle
"Come on yall! Get in there!!" Some juice plopped into the pot

Kate sat her pencil down
"Hello? I'm trying to study for my test on space tomorrow!" She told him, annoyed
"Well, try to keep it down, would ya?" Travis said back
Kate stood up from the kitchen table
"Hey what are you doing anyway?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen counter

"Making a spell that's supposed to improve your strength and immune system" Travis answered as he put some of his magic in the pot
"You do spells?" Kate asked
"No, I just wanted to do this because..iiii don't really have an answer" Travis shrugged

"Also it's your turn to clean the kitchen" which was true and the kitchen was A MESS with stains everywhere, ingredients, packs of some dust travis picked up from trollmarket
"Dude!.." Kate whined

"Alright-" Travis put some dust in "that should be finished and-" he picked up a spoon and scooped some of the potion into the spoon, it was clear pink liquid with some bubbles bubbling out
"Open up" Travis said to kate as he held the spoon to her

"I don't wanna!" Kate whined again
Kate sighed in annoyance as she opened her mouth and travis fed her the potion
Kate swallowed the potion but then...


Kate ran to the tap and started to literally fill her mouth up with water then she started spitting into the sink as she ran around
Finally she got the after taste away as she stood in front of Travis
"'s not a spell for me"
Travis blinked
"Okay but in 24 hours, you'll feel super! Probably super enough to show me respect since that puts you in a good mood" Travis said as he flicked the kitchen cloth over his shoulder

"Whatever, I'm gonna study upstairs" kate picked up her study stuff and headed upstairs
Once kate left, Travis looked into the potion which was Still bubbling
It was silent until
"Hey Crystal!! Wanna try something!!?" Travis called

Kate was sitting at her desk, writing down notes because she has a test tomorrow on outer space and kate knows she's gonna ace it since...she came from outer space!!

She was writing something down about asteroids when she started feeling a sore feeling in her stomach like something was punching her insides
Kate groaned as she placed a arm over her stomach
But she just kept working but then she started coughing violently as her pencil fell out her hand


Finally it died down
"Woah!" Kate placed a hand on her chest as she cleared her throat

*next day*
The next day, Travis was making breakfast downstairs as Crystal was sitting at the kitchen table, reading a magazine about cute boys
"O-m-g, Harry styles is so perf!" Crystal fangirled
"Yeah, whatever" Travis said, flipping an omelette on the pan
"Hey where's kate? Shouldn't she be down here by now?" Travis asked again

Crystal shrugged
"Not my fault if she's not here" she said as she kissed a picture of Justin bieber
then they heard someone tumbling down the stairs, few seconds later, kate came stumbling into the kitchen
"HEY!!" Kate sat at the table

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now