The Big Sleep Part 2

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The royals continued to look around. For some reason, Kate couldn't get the fact out of her head that her Papa actually smiled at her even though that wasn't possible because they can't see them.

"You know, something else happened in that memory. My Papa did smile at me and I'm not joking" Kate said as the twins looked at her.
"But Mother did say that is not possible" Aja told her.

"It must have been a glitch of the memory projection" Mother spoke through the atmosphere.

"Kate's not the only one. In the other memory, I saw Papa looked at me, for a secton" Krel spoke. "How can it be a glitch?" The royals stayed silent when Aja spoke,
"At least now they've forgotten what brats we were" She said.

"Oh, no, I'm sure they have plenty more of those memories. Maybe even including Kate being a brat as well" Krel laughed "We did learn something, though. Papa said that many tried to steal the core"

"So, if we go to the last time someone tried taking it, we might discover where Mama and Papa hid it" Aja smiled as she hugged Krel.
"Oh, you're back to being brilliant, little brother!" She said happily. 

Then they found the memory ball which held the latest heist of Gaylen's core as the three royals then touched it and entered the memory....

Kate stumbled forward as she felt the ground underneath her. She looked around and saw the familiar blue and dimly lit area of Akiridion-5. They must be out of the palace.

Kate looked around when she suddenly felt herself get shoved to the side by Aja with Krel as they hid behind a pillar. Blue lasers started zooming past them.

"Klebtastic! Even in virtual memories people shoot at us!" Krel exclaimed as he voice cracked a little.

A loud siren started blaring throughout the whole area as the lasers kept coming but the door at the entrance quickly opened up as three familiar thieves came running out of it.
The Zeron Brotherhood. Back when they were still alive.

Alpha came running past the royals as it looked like he was holding a grey case with blue linings. Soon Omega and Beta followed him.
"Those soolians!" Aja said "The Zeron Brotherhood tried to steal Gaylen's core?"
"Agh! I was hoping we'd seen the last of them" Krel said
"Though it kinda makes sense on why they would steal it, that's bogus!" Kate said .

That's when the door slid opened again as Aja quickly pulled Kate and Krel back.
"Halt, by the order of the Akiridion throne!" The King and Varvatos vex came running out of the door.

They both called their Serrator blades as they got caught up into a duel with the Brotherhood. Fialkov was in a duel with Alpha when orange energy shards came flying in between them and Alpha then managed to knock Fialkov down.
"There's quite a bounty on this case of yours" Alpha said darkly " Whatever it is, I hope it was worth dying for"
Alpha then rose his weapon above Fialkov.

"No!" Aja exclaimed as she began to move forward towards her Papa but Krel quickly grabbed her.
"Aja! You can't mess with the memory!" Krel told her.
"I'm sorry. I wanted to help Papa" Aja apologised.

"I think they have it covered" Kate spoke, gaining their attention as she pointed towards the sky and immediately spotted three blue zooming Akiridion vehicles gliding down a freeway as they had a bright blue line coming out of them.

Beta and Omega immediately started shooting at the vehicles as one of them actually got destroyed but the Akiridion flying it jump up and it was the Queen! The queen started shooting at Alpha from the air and Alpha then dropped the case as the queen landed beside the royals.

"Zadra, get the case!" She yelled as the second vehicle came zooming in and in a blue flash, the case was swooped up and the vehicle glided out of sight.

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now