Information about Kaliacians/Kaliac

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Here's some info about kaliac and Kaliacians so you know about the species kate is

The royal family of Kaliac have a third eye-like symbol on their forehead, this is a symbol of great power making their powers much more stronger, when a child of the royal family turns 13, they get their symbol at their coronation, the mark means Royalty meaning they're worthy of the crowns of Kaliac

Kaliacians have a life source called a star but if their star is destroyed, the Kaliacian will fade out of existence,
The life stars are the center of a Kaliacian entire self, allowing them to exist

Kaliac is in another galaxy, roughly 50,000 light years away from earth

Every year, Meteros fly past kaliac, basically a meteor shower and it's really beautiful in the sky, it's actually a event on kaliac
It's called keril deuiyt which means amazing meteors in Kaliacian

Kaliac has two rings and five moons

Kaliacians have the small ability of turning into a pink dust-like cloud and turning back at will

The royal family of Kaliac have a tail that can be used in battle, grab and throw things but the tail is very sensitive

Kaliacians are stronger, smarter, taller, faster than humans

Since Kaliacians are made of energy and they don't have lungs, they don't have to breath to live

Every year, Kaliac has another event where the royals of Kaliac throw a ball for the other royals across the universe it's called a Royal ball

The goddess, Yotalia had god-like powers and she used those to create a planet..Kaliac after that she started making lots more planets but Yotalia's powers started corrupting which made her planets crumble into the vast area of space but one planet survived..kaliac after that Yotalia sacrificed herself by ripping out her star and storing it on kaliac where the Kaliacians hid it somewhere safe

Powers and abilities
Normal Kaliacian:
Super strength
Super speed
Sixth sense

Royal Kaliacian:
Super speed and strength
Sixth sense
Wall climbing
Force field manipulation
Psionic mind shield
Extrasensory perception
Pain inducement
Can turn into a pink dust-like cloud
Pink tail
Super sight/hearing

Hello= káyla!
Bye= ale
Mum= Mama
Thanks= lasias
My name is= ly amaray
How are you=loso encat yo
I love you= le zono yo
I'm okay= lea biscao
What= fea
No= noé
Yes= lo

Seconds= Seltons
Minutes= Minuns

If you want any more info just ask me!😊

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