The power incidence

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With kate
Krel was staying overnight at the mothership and it was morning and kate slept with krel

Anyway the sun shun bright through the curtains and shun down onto the couple
Krel had his four arms around kate while kate had her tail wrapped around Krel's waist
Kate groaned as she shield her eyes from the sun and she used her mind to close the curtains

Kate felt Krel's grip on her got tighter as he groaned
"I guess you're awake?" Kate mumbled, krel groaned in response

"I'll take that as a yes--woah!" kate was pulled into a passionate kiss
"Mmm" kate moaned as her and Krel's lips were in sync, getting deeper and deeper by the second
Two of Krel's hands went down to Kate's hips while the other two were on each side of her face and Kate's arms around his neck and her tail tightened round his waist

Soon they pulled away
"Oh dios mio" kate said breathless

"Aww! So cute!" They heard mother say
Kate and Krel instantly jumped out and brought out their serrators/salaters and squared up but stopped when they realized it was mother

"Really mother?" Kate asked

"Yes, kate and I got it on camera and saved it"

"Mother!" Krel exclaimed blushing badly
Kate faceplamed

*later in the day*
It was the weekend and travis was away at his friend's house all weekend and Crystal was stuck at her boyfriend's house so kate was alone..well, she came to the mothership of course, she loves the Tarrons!

But again these past few weeks, kate hasn't been feeling too good, she's been dizzy, having weird headaches and she's been having visions and dreams about space and other galaxies

Kate entered the mothership to see krel working on mother as usual, she was about to walk over when..

"So how are things going with you and kate, my royal?" Mother asked krel

"Amazing..I guess" krel said

"What do you mean, my royal?"

"Well, I'm super worried and concerned about her, she's been feeling terrible, her energy's getting out of hand and she's been having really bad visions and dreams..I just hope she's actually alright, I already lost her once, I can't lose her again" krel explained

"Well, you won't be sure if you don't ask about you do some research on her, try to find what's wrong" mother suggested

Kate bit her lip, should she let krel research on her?
Krel was about to answer when kate came
"I'm not gonna be used as a lab rat" Kate said

Krel jumped
"How long have you been standing there?" He asked nervously

"Long enough to hear everything" kate walked around krel

"Kate, love, I'm just worried about you" he tried to explain

"Krel, I'm fine! I'm okay, there's not need to worry!!" kate kinda yelled

"But please? I don't wanna lose you, I need to know if there's something wrong, please?" Krel basically begged

Kate sighed
"Fine! Just so I can spend time with you" she crossed her arms

*even more later*
Kate was sitting on one of those floating tables with a glass circle in front of her
"What is this krel?" She asked

"It's a reading I made with Akiridion technology, it can detect powerful readings, now kate, I need you to concentrate your mind on this" krel informed

"Is it safe?" She asked
"Super safe, now concentrate"

Kate sighed before holding her necklace in her hands and closing her eyes, she started concentrating and she felt like her world was spinning, a small vibration was heard but another vision came

"Uh colonel? We should probably connect these children to the power reading before we do any thing else" a soldier in a yellow suit said as a lady with glasses and a green suit came

"Nah, these children can survive the heat besides they won't last long like stuart from durio" the woman said as she peered down onto the pink children

"Alright then"

Then the next thing, the children were now in a giant test tube and green gas came into the chamber
One of the pink children looked out before their chamber was completely covered and filled with gas
*end of vision*

Krel's reading picked up a powerful reading and a pink line appeared across the glass but the line started moving and it started moving higher and faster like someone was having a heart attack
It beeped loudly and krel just looked at it, shocked and confused

Soon enough kate let go and opened her eyes with a emotionless expression on her face, not saying a word
"Kate..this's either bad or good! Are you feeling right?" Krel asked desperately

Kate sighed
"Yes, I'm fine..just leave my neckl--AAAAHHHH!!!"

Kate's necklace started sending out sparks and kate held her head in extreme pain as she screamed
"Kate! What's wrong!?"
But then a huge powerful wave of pink energy came out and pushed everything in the mothership back including krel
Then kate just fell to the ground

Krel gasped
"Kate!" He skidded to her and placed her head on his lap as krel held her body

Then aja,vex, zadra and luug came running in
"Is everything alright!?" Zadra asked

Aja saw kate
"Kate!" Aja went to her and looked at her with surprised eyes
"What happened?"

"I don't know, I was testing kate to see if she was really okay but then her energy went crazy and made a huge psionic explosion" krel quickly explained

Aja looked at kate again

"She's definitely not okay...what is happening to you, kate?"

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now