The Big Sleep

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"Memories are a window into the past but when revisited, they can open a doorway to the future. We call it 'Totus Praeter' or 'The Totality'" Mother explained as she was placing the mechanic arms onto the royals, the three royals laid on the ground as Mother strapped one onto Aja.
"With these core readers, you will be inside the virtual projection of your parents' subconscious" Mother then placed one on Krel then Kate as the arms made them hover slightly off the ground.

"Unfortunately, they will be unable to see you. Katealia, I may inform you that your psionic energy might react to the sudden change of being inside the memories. You might feel a little headache and feel tired" Mother explained.

"Ha, I'm tired all the time, so I wouldn't worry 'bout it" Kate said
"If Morando is inside Mama and Papa's minds, then it won't take long for him to discover where on Earth they hid Gaylen's core or find out where Yotalia's Star is hidden" Krel said. "And once he finds it..."

"He'll have all the power he needs to conquer the galaxy" Aja finished "Mother, we need to get inside the Totality now." She said to Mother.

"Do not interfere with the memories, or you risk destroying the very information you seek" Mother said.
"Ay yi yi" Krel sighed as Luug whimpered a bit.

Then the three royals joined hands together again, "We're ready, Mother" Aja said.
"Good fortune, my royals" Mother nodded.

Then a bright blue energy started running down the arm and into the claw that was attached to the royals and they closed their eyes as they started to feel a sudden lightness and saw a bright blue light cloud their vision....


Kate felt herself get lighter and a bit colder as the blue light faded away from her vision leaving a dark space. Mother was right as Kate felt a headache coming on and felt herself get a bit dozy.

She slowly opened her eyes and immediately saw that she was in a black and blue empty atmosphere and caught sight of the multiple ball floating energy balls around everywhere and Kate could hear the slightest whisper of the King and Queen's voices.

Kate looked beside her and saw Aja and Krel there but they were yellow as they looked as surprised as her.
"Welcome to the Totality" Mother's cool voice said as the royals were still looking around in amazement.

"The Talon has betrayed us! We are forced to retreat" they heard the King's voice yell from somewhere.
"This is the doorway to your parents' memories" Mother explained
"For hundreds of keltons...." The queen's voice said "Akiridion-5stood divided between two houses"

The royals walked forward as Kate was trying her best to not bump into the floating balls. A blue, glowing ball flew down to the royals.
"Each of these are memories" Krel whispered in amazement. The royals looked at the blue ball as it turned yellow from their presence.

"All indexed and searchable based on your desired parameters" Mother explained as the blue ball then showed a small memory of Krel with his Papa.
"Your mother and I will be gone, and you and Aja will be all the other has, Krel..." Fialkov said to Krel in the memory. This was during their coronation.

"Mother, search for Gaylen's core" Krel said.
"I count 7,547 of your parents' memories relating to Gaylen's core" Mother explained.

Then suddenly the blue balls started to move as they got faster and faster and started spinning around the royals.
"The most recent from the day of Morando's coup" the balls stopped as one came floating to Aja, Krel and Kate.

"That is not a memory I want to revisit" Aja said uncertainty but they basically had no choice as Aja then touched the sphere and it turned yellow at her touch as a bright flash appeared.

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