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Louis POV-

The boys are coming over in a little while and i decide to clean up the flat. I actually made Harry a room. I know, he is gone, but i had no where else to put all the stuff i had for him.

I hear the doorbell ring and then three knocks on the door.

I yell, "come in!" And the door swings open revealing a grinning Niall, a blushing Liam, and an annoyed Zayn.

"These two have been non-stop making out all morning."

"Actually, we did stop. I couldn't just like not eat, you know?" Niall says.

"Of course you couldn't." I say winking.

They sit down on my couch and it gets a little awkward.

"Im hungry."

"Damnit Niall, you're always hungry." I say walking into the kitchen and opening the pantry then throwing him a box of crackers.

"So, why did you decide on living in Holmes Chapel? Actually dont answer that. I already know." Zayn says.


"No, dont, he's dead Louis. D-E-A-D and nothing you say or do can change that. Get over him already, wont you? He isn't coming back." Zayn interrupts.

"Get out."


"I said get out. Do you need me to say it again?"

They get up and right as they're about to leave i say, "Niall?"


"Give me the box of crackers."

"What box of-"

"Niall, I can see them under your shirt."

"What? Oh, these? I was just kidding- i mean i wouldn't take your crackers. Pfft." He says handing me the box.

I raise my eyebrows at him. He mumbles a 'well i was going to say bye but now im not so sure' and walks out the door, closing it behind him.

Nothing else interesting has happened since now. Its Thursday, the day i last got a package on, and the doorbell rings again.

I slowly get up and make my way towards the door.

Once again, there is a package. Only this time the black rose that was taped to it wasn't wilted. It was just a healthy black rose.

I carefully bring the package inside, backing into the door to close it, and sit down.

"Well, this anon sender hasn't gotten any better at taping. Thats for sure." I say to myself.

I open the package to reveal the letter 'm' and another note.

Only 5 more weeks until you know. (: xx -Anon

P.s i still love youWhere stories live. Discover now