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Zayns POV-

I arrive at home only to find, once again, Louis left. We really need to find out where that house he stays locked up in is.

Liam and Niall show up shortly after. Not even being the least bit surprised when, they too, find out Louis had left.

"So... Are you guys like um official?" I ask Niall when Liam gets up to go use the restroom.

"No, actually, im taking him on a date tomorrow night. A real one." Niall says trying to keep calm, yet i could tell he was ready to burst out squealing. Its Niall, after all, why wouldn't he?

"Tv night?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure."

Liam walks in and Niall tells him we will be doing tv night tonight and he nods.

Liam sits down on the couch and Niall, tripping over his own feet, coincidently falls onto Liams lap.

"Whoa, atleast take me out on a date first." Liam says.

"I am." Niall pats Liam's lap and Liam blushes.

Niall sits down next to Liam and i grab the remote and try not to giggle when i see Liam's pants tighten.

I turn on the tv and what comes up is the news.

Both Niall and Liam groan.

"Ew, turn it off, i hate the news." Liam says.

"Wait- is that Louis?"

Sure enough the news reporter talks, "Famous boyband member, Louis tomlinson, was sent to the hospital after a drunk driving incident."

"Wait, that not what happened?" Niall says.


"The fans are going crazy, since after the death of Harry Styles, the boyband hasn't gone public. No news from them at all, no interviews, shows cancelled, and no recording has been done. Could this be the the end of One Direction?"

"This isn't the end.. We've just been busy is all..." Niall says, "right?"

"Um, yeah, Niall about that... Without Harry we aren't so sure we can continue the band." I say.

"No, no. We cant give up!" He continues, "Harry wouldn't want us to.."

"Niall, stop. Its not happening. One Direction is already practically over." I say.

Niall looks at me and then Liam. Liam knows im right, so he slowly nods.

Nialls face turns red and you could see him on the edge of crying.

"So you're just going to give up?" Niall manages.

We stay silent. He nods, and escaping from Liam's grip, he runs upstairs and slams the door to his room.

"I will go talk to him." Liam says, getting up from the couch.


Louis POV-
(The next day)

I text Zayn. He is practically always on his phone.

Me- Zayn, you and the lovers can come visit whenever, im in a flat on 22nd street, Holmes Chapel. My house is the small blue one with a wooden door. Only one that looks like it on the street. See you soon xx

I tap send and wait for a reply which comes seconds later.

Zaynie- hm, okay, dick.

Me- im not a dick, you dick.

He doesn't reply, so i set my phone down.

I know they will be here tomorrow. I leave the phone on my nightstand and settle down to go to sleep.

I swear i heard someone say 'goodnight Lou'

I should be scared, but the sound of the hushed voice soothed me.

P.s i still love youWhere stories live. Discover now