"Do you have anyone you like right now," he asked out of the blue. Do I? The only guy I hang around is Naruto, and sometimes Sai but not a lot, but I only considered Naruto a very close friend. There was a time I thought I liked Ino, tested that with a kiss when we were little and turned out I didn't, it was just because she was the only friend I had at the time. "No, not at the moment." He nodded. "I see." I was going to ask him the same thing but then I remember him saying so earlier.

"Tell me about your crush," he looked like he was immediately going to say no," please." He sighed. "What do you want to know?" I thought about it. What would give me a big hint? "Her appearance." He was vague about the details, which bothered me. How was I suppose to pick her out if all he said was she has pretty eyes, hair was longish, and she was tiny compared to him? Idiot. Does he know how many girls he just described. "I did it on purpose," he said while looking at my face. I punched him. "Jerk." 

When we went downstairs we were met with a frantic Ino and a stressed out Sai. "She tired me out," Sai flopped on the couch. Naruto gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I know exactly how you feel." They had a bromance moment. Ino was in the kitchen multitasking a bunch of things. "Anything I can do to help?" She shoved a whole bunch of different things in my hands not wasting her breath on any extra words. Ino dragged Naruto to the other side of the Island.(Those things in the kitchen that's not a part of the counter.

"She's in a hurry," he muttered, so the crazed Ino wouldn't attack him. I nodded, my hands multitasking and trying not to mess up anything. "Want me to help?" I looked at him, astonished. "How are you done already?" He smirked. "Perks of being a demon." Honestly I had completely forgotten he was a demon.

A week later, during the day, we all flopped on parts of the sofa, finally done with the preparations. "Good work guys!" Ino said as she tried to hide the tiredness in her voice. We gave the most non enthusiastic response ever. We ended up watching some TV for a while. Naruto fell asleep in my lap, the same with Sai and Ino. "Did I work them too hard," Ino asked while playing with Sai's hair. "Maybe a bit," I responded with a smile as I looked at the sleeping Naruto in my lap. "They're going to hate me," she laughed. "Is it already time to get ready," I asked through a yawn. I watched her put little kisses all over Sai's face. "Wake up, my love." I was stunned with how she woke him up. He didn't even stir in his sleep, taking that opportunity I wanted to ask Ino something. "You're in love, aren't you," I hesitantly asked her. When she looked up at me, her smile said it all. "I see," I said to myself as she finally got Sai up. When they left I woke Naruto up by flicking his forehead.

"Why would you do that," he whined through a yawn. His once dull blue eyes looked up at me with light in them. I hadn't noticed it until now. How long have they been like that? I saw myself in his eyes. "U-um it's time to get ready." He got off me, groaning the whole time going upstairs. "Stop being a baby and get changed." I pushed him is his room and quickly close the door. After dealing with the baby man child named Naruto, I went to get dressed. Except I had absolutely no idea what to wear. Fifteen minutes later, I still hadn't changed. It didn't help that most of the clothes I packed consisted of night clothes. "I had a feeling you wouldn't be ready." Ino popped her head in. "I have something ready for you." She showed the dress that was hidden behind her back. It was red and covered in lace, seemed tight on the top and flowy on the bottom, and knee length. "I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll put it on you myself if I have to." She shoved the dress in my hand. I don't do dresses. After wrestling with Ino about the dress we left my room, the dress on. Naruto was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with Sai. It felt weird descending the stairs while his eyes were on me. He took my hand when I reached the bottom. "You look beautiful," the intensity of his stare made me want to squirm.

A Demon Can Love(NaruSaku)Where stories live. Discover now