Chapter 41: Epilogue

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 20 years after their graduation of High school...


"Alright Jack, I have some good news." I say and smile down at the young boy sitting on the chair across from me. He smiles and looks up at his mom. "You're scans came back clear; this means I don't have to see you for another year!"

"Really?" He asks and smiles. "Everything in my knee is gone?"

"Everything is gone, just like it was 6 months ago." I say and smile. He jumps up and starts doing a little dance, Mrs. Paterson smiling as well. I explain a couple of scheduling and medical things to Mrs. Paterson and then walk them to the front desk. I then go to my office and sit down at my desk. I take a deep breath and open my computer. I answer some emails and set reminders for tomorrow. I clean the papers on my desk then pack my things to leave. When I get home, I hear a thud then a high voice yell,


"Heya kiddo!" I say as I feel someone wrap themselves around my left leg. I look down and smile at my daughter.

"Mommy guess what I did at school today?"

"What?" I ask.

"Addition and subtraction!" She says.

"Really? I thought you already learned that." I say and smile.

"Yes, but I learned more addition and subtraction things." She says and smiles shyly.

"Kinsley, is Mom home?"

"Yes!" Kinsley shouts. I laugh and walk into my office to quickly place my bags down then walk into the kitchen where Aaron is cooking dinner.

"See, she's home!" Kinsley says excitedly. Aaron shakes his head.

"Let's eat, I'm hungry!" He says. During dinner, Kinsley asks;

"So, how do you know Henry Davis?"

"We knew him in high school. I actually played baseball with him." Aaron says. Kinsley's eyes open wide.

"Really? That's so cool! My friends said they would do anything to meet him." Kinsley says, wonderstruck.

"Did you tell them that you know him?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but they said they didn't believe me." She says, a small frown on her face.

"Well, tomorrow you can bring the photo of you with him from when you were little if you want." I say. She smiles and nods her head.

"Ms. Miller is a big Nationals fan, so I think she will like the picture." Kinsley says and smiles. "How was work mommy?"

"Well, I gave one family some really, really good news. But I gave another family some really bad news." I say.

"I'm sorry." Kinsley says and takes my hand. Kinsley has my hair and Aarons eyes. She has high cheek bones just like Aarons mom too.

"It's ok kiddo, it's just a part of my job. How was your day?" I ask, looking up at Aaron.

"Well, it was your typical day, I guess. An old man yelled at me again while I was helping him stretch his arm, but I had no appointments this afternoon, so I was able to come home early and make dinner. Oh, and get this, Trace was frustrated most of the appointment, but at the end he started running again. I think he will be able to play baseball in the spring." He says and smiles.

"How long have you been working with him?" I ask.

"About a month, the accident he was in was in the middle of September and he had surgery shortly after that." He says.

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