Chapter 18: The Fight

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Our first drumline competition went great! We got a superior score and placed second overall. Mrs. E. was very proud, but we still have a lot of stuff to fix before this week's competition. Monday and Tuesday's practices went well, so I have high hopes for this weekend. The only bad thing about this weekend is that the school it is at is 2 hours away, and we have to be there at 8 am.

During lunch on Wednesday Kiki talks about swim and how she placed first in two events, I don't really pay attention to what she did. I glance over at the table Henry sits at, and see a new girl sitting at their table... really close to Henry.

"Hello? Earth to Rylee!" Lilly says.

"What? Oh. did you ask something?" I say, looking away from the boys table.

"What were you thinking about?" Kiki asks.

"Uh... drumline." I lie.

"Typically, you always are thinking about band." Kiki says and shakes her head.

"What can I say, I do love band."

"Yes, you do. We all do." Lilly says. "So, how's Henry?"

"Not this again." I say and sigh, glancing back over at his table. Kiki and Lilly look over to and see the girl who now has her arm around him, and he seems to be fine with it. "Well, looks like there's your answer."

"Eh, we don't know that they're dating." Lilly says.

"Nah, they're totally dating." Kiki says.

"Want to take a bet on how long that will last?" Lilly asks.

"I give it... two weeks." I say.

"I say one, then he will have Rylee around his gorgeous, muscular arms." Kiki says.

"Heck to the no." I say and laugh.

"I say two weeks as well." Lilly says. We all sigh and turn back to our food.

Part of me is hurt seeing him with that girl. Who even is she?

"I swear I've never seen that girl here." Lilly says.

"Maybe she's new." I say. "I mean, he has dated a lot of girls."

"Dated is a relative term; more like went on a date and said nope, not gonna waist my time." Kiki says. The three of us laugh, knowing that its true.

During band class, I keep my distance from Henry. For some reason I don't feel like talking to him after seeing him with that girl during lunch. I wonder, did he mean what he said about Mason? Or is what Mason said true? Maybe he's not the guy I think he is?

"Rylee, you missed the last 5 measures." Cori says.

"Oh! I did? I spaced out for a second." I say.

"Is everything all right percussion?" Mr. G asks.

"Yes, everything is good back here." Cori yells.

After Band I quickly pack my things and walk with Kiki to her band locker, which is further down the band hallway.

"Are you ok? You seem to be really distracted." She asks me.

"I'm fine, I think I'm just super tired and stressed with Drumline. You know me." I tell her.

"Yeah, you think way too much about this stuff." She says. She puts her hand on my shoulder and looks at me. "Rylee, you need to relax. You guys are killing it already, so you have no reason to worry. Also, you have no reason to worry about him. You and Henry are just friends, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. We are just friends." I say reassuringly, to her and myself.

"Ok." She says and gives me a hug.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I say.

"You would be lost, my friend. Very, very lost." She says and laughs.

"Oh, I would be something like that." I say and laugh. The bell rings. Off to History... I guess.


I walk to the water fountain after band and refill my water bottle. I can hear two girls talking down the hallway. I glance down the hallway and see that its Rylee and her friend Kiki.

"Are you ok? You seem to be really distracted." Kiki asks Rylee. I had noticed that Rylee was a little distracted today, and distant.

"I'm fine, I think I'm just super tired and stressed with Drumline. You know me." Rylee says.

"Yeah, you think way too much about this stuff. Rylee, you need to relax. You guys are killing it already, so you have no reason to worry. Also, you have no reason to worry about him. You and Henry are just friends, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. We are just friends." Just friends? Why does that make me feel sad? Is that really what Rylee thinks? Is that how I feel too?

"Ok." Kiki says and they hug. Kiki is a great friend.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You would be lost, my friend"

I walk back into the band room, not wanting to eavesdrop anymore on their conversation. During History, all I can think about is what they said. Friends? Lost? What was that supposed to mean?  I tap my foot on the floor as Mrs. Austin gives a lesson on Civil War reconstruction. I try to not make too much noise, but I need to do something while I think.

The next day I am walking with Mason during passing time before lunch. I see Rylee and Kiki down the hallway. I smile at them when they walk by and they smile back. But Mason stick out his foot and trips Rylee.

"Watch out, drum stick." He says and laughs.

"Mason, what the heck?" I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Are you stupid? Why'd you trip her?"

"Why do you even care? Ever since you joined band you've gone soft." Mason says.

"Henry, I'm fine." Rylee says, standing up.

"No, Henry. You're doing great." Kiki says. Rylee glares at her. 

"Go ahead, protect her. Protect her like she's your precious little queen. Like how you treated all of your girlfriends." Mason says.

"You don't know what your talking about." I say.

"The get away from her, if you know what's good for you. She's the one who's really making you soft." Mason says.

"No, you stay away from her. All you do is call her names, and I- "

"Oh, your pathetic." Mason says and shoves me. Students walking by stop and watch. This isn't going to end well. Mason sees the crowd and smiles. "I'm done being friends with you, if you are going to be friends with people like her." He says and throws a punch at me. I dodge it and hit him in the shoulder. Before I know it, were fighting each other.

Security comes and pulls us apart. I can hear Mason yelling at me, but I can't tell what he's saying. I see Rylee and Kiki, holding onto each other in fear. 

What did I just do? 

Glory Daysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें