Chapter 20: Let the Spring Season Begin!

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I'm sitting in homeroom working on my AP Chem homework when Mark taps me on the shoulder.

"I made Varsity Lax." He says proudly.

"Congrats!" I say.

"You should come to a game."

"Last time I did something you suggested, it turned out horrible."

"Ok, the party was a horrible idea I guess, but you met a new friend that is somehow connected to Aaron. I don't know he never talked about her, but I heard you guys talking about her and when I asked him, he didn't want to talk about her."

"Oh, Kira? Yeah he has a good reason for not telling you about her." I say.

"What? Why?"

"You would probably go around saying that Aaron has a girlfriend, when he doesn't."

"She's not his girlfriend?"


"Oh, they're just friends?"

"Yep, just friends."

"Oh. Well, I can tell he cares about her a lot."

"Wow, you're actually smart!" I say and pat him on the shoulder.

"Ha ha. I know Aaron, he's not one whose... emotional, I guess. Also, I guess you could say I have twin-tuition, so I can read him like a book." He says proudly.

"Wow, if only you could actually read a book." I say sarcastically and go back to my chem homework.

"You think you're so funny." He says and chuckles.

"Oh, I am very funny." I say.


I was able to pull up my grades just enough for my parents to let me play baseball. I made Varsity, of course. I made varsity last year too, so my parents expected me to make it again this year, and now next year too, I guess. But that's senior year, so who cares.

I walk into band, wearing my drumline hoodie. Some of the guys on the team pointed out that I did drumline, but I told them that I was happy and proud that I did it, and that shut them up. No one can argue with confidence, I guess. I'm definitely going to miss drumline... and spending time with Rylee. I sit next to her as the rest of the band put together their instruments.

"Guess what!" I say.

"What?" She asks.

"I made Varsity Baseball!"

"Really? That's awesome!" She says smiling. But then she has a sad look on her face.

"Missing drumline already?" I ask her.

"Yeah. But it was a great season, so I will definitely remember it for good reasons." She says.

"What will you miss more, the show, or me?" I ask, smirking.

"You are so annoying." She says and rolls her eyes.

"I would miss me, if I were you. Admit it, I am pretty great." I say and chuckle.

"Eh, your ok I guess. I will miss you a little." She says. I make a face like I'm hurt. "Oh come on, we have Band and History together."

"Right... History." I say. History is one of the classes I'm not doing to well in. History and Physics are not my strong suite, at all. I get very distracted in History, and it's hard to remember things when your distracted.

"What, is something wrong with history?" She asks.

"Oh, uh, no nothing's wrong with History." I lie.

"Oh, you sounded like you didn't like the class." She says.

"No, I love Mrs. Austin." I say... technically a lie. I like her, she's really nice. But she teaches super-fast and she has us do a bunch of projects which involve videos, and I usually get distracted when watching her videos.

After the bell rings at the end of history, Mrs. Austin calls me to her desk.

"Hey Henry, where are your packets from the past two classes?" She asks me.

"Um... they're unfinished in my binder." I say and look down at my worn-down converse. I should get new converse, now that I'm thinking about it.

"Henry, I need those packets by the end of the week, or they will be a Zero." She says. I look back up at her.

"I know, but they're just so... boring." I say and look back down. I hate calling teachers activities boring.

"What do you mean, boring?"

"Like, I get distracted while I'm doing them because I get... bored. I don't know how to explain it." I tell her, looking back at her.

"Henry, I know that you have..." She looks to see if anyone else is listening, which there's no one around. "I know you have ADHD, which makes it harder for you to concentrate, but you still need to finish the packets. You can stay after school or come in during home room if you need extra time or help."

"Ok. Can I give them to you on Friday?" I ask her.

"Yes, that would be great. And your Coach emailed me that you made Varsity, but you're practice starts at 3:30 so you can stay after for 20 minuets if you ever need to."

"Ok, thank you Mrs. Austin." I say. She nods and I walk to my locker.

I need to figure something out... but what?


I walk into homeroom and sit next to Kira. She looks up and smiles.

"So, what team did you make?" She asks.

"You are looking at a Westmoore Varsity Base Ball player." I say proudly. She lightly claps her hands.

"That's awesome! I knew you would make varsity, with that arm of yours, I bet you can throw the ball far."

"Yep, coach said I was the best center fielder that tried out."

"But not the best he's ever seen." She teases.

"No, unfortunately." I say.

"Do you think it will be a good season? I've never payed attention to our baseball team so I have no idea how good we are."

"Westmoore has a history of decent teams, but I think we will do pretty well this year. I looked at Lakewood's roster and they have a pretty good team too."

"Again, I wouldn't know." She says and laughs a little. I love her laugh, and her smile.

"Well, would you come to a game?" I ask her.

"Um, I don't know, I've never gone to one at the school. I've gone to a couple of Nat's games though. But... I guess I can go to one or two games."

"I mean, if were good you should come. If we are bad, you don't have to come. And if you want to go to a game, of course." I say. Nice job asking her, idiot.

"Of course I'd go to a game, even you guys are bad. I actually like baseball."

"I thought you said you didn't care about it." I say, confused.

"No, I don't pay attention to our schools' baseball." She says, blushing a little.

"Oh, right." I say.

She actually like baseball? That's... good to know. 

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