Chapter 7: The One that got Away

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The party is starting to get a little crazy. Lauren is all over me, and I don't know how to get her off. She keeps calling me baby, but I've asked her to stop. She's so drunk. Everyone is. I've only had one beer, and even that has made me a little tipsy.

Why do I like these parties again?

I can hear someone yelling in the other room, I leave Lauren to check it out.

"Sam let GO of me." Kira yells. Sam is holding onto her waist, but she clearly doesn't want to be with him.

"Am I no fun?" He asks.

"Sam, she asked you to let her go, now do as she asks." I say calmly. They both turn and look at me. So, their both drunk... great.

"I don't need your help Aaron." She says.

"Yeah Aaron, go get your little piece of arm candy." Sam sneers. I never liked Sam. While Sam is distracted Kira pushes herself out of his grip.

"Sam, listen to me- "I start.

"No, you listen to me, Aaron. If I wanted saving, like some stupid damsel in distress, I would've called. But I don't need you, Mr. star athlete. You can take Lauren and be with her, that's fine with me! You can flirt with whoever, I don't care. It's not like you never flirt with me unless I'm in a cheer uniform anyway." Kira says.

"Kira what are you saying?" I asked, confused.

"Does Short stuff ring a bell? Whatever, I'm going home." She says and leaves the house.

"Kira, it's not safe, you're drunk." I say.

"And you're not?" She asks.

"Come back in, she's leaving." Lauren says and pulls on my shirt. She kisses me on the lips, they taste like alcohol. I look back and see tears in Kira's eyes. Lauren pulls me away from the door and into the crazy party.


"Kira, it's not safe, you're drunk." I hear a familiar voice yell. I look down from the low balcony and see Aaron, and a crying girl.

"And you're not?" She yells back at him, tears in her eyes. She stumbles to her car, uh oh. I quickly hop off the balcony and run after the girl. A girl that I don't recognize.

"Hey, I really don't think it's safe for you to drive." I say to her, reaching her car before she unlocks it.

"I don't care, did Aaron send you?" She asks.

"What? No. My name is Emme, I'm from Lakewood." I say. She must be from Westmoore.

"Oh." She says. She looks at her keys, then looks at me. "Did you drink?" she asks. I nod my head no. "You can drive."

I take the keys from her and get in the driver's seat. She sits in the passenger seat and hands me her phone.

"What's you're address?" I ask her.

"Um it should be plunged into maps." She says. Yep, it is. I start the directions and turn on the engine. "Wait, can you text my dad."

"Text him what?" I ask. She looks at me, this poor girl that I don't even know. She looks scared, like she doesn't know what's going on.

"Um... I don't know." She says and looks at her hands. "Never mind"

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Kira." She whispers. I find her student ID, that is her name. That's a good sign. "Why are you helping me? You don't even know me." she asks.

"I don't want to see you get hurt, hurt like people I know." I say. Hurt like my dad.

I start driving to her house, it's not too far from the party house. I pull into the driveway. Whoa, her house is pretty big.

"How are you going to get home?" She asks. I didn't think about that. I got a ride from my friend Lilly to the party. I shrug. "Do you, um... Do you want to sleep over?" She asks.

"Really?" I ask. "that would be great."

"Yeah, you can. My parents wont mind. You can just text my dad that you are, I guess." She says. I quickly text her dad from her phone that I'm sleeping over. I help her then quietly walk upstairs to her room, in her giant house.

"I'm going to take a shower." She whispers once we're in her room. Her room is pretty big too. And apparently her bathroom is attached to her room.

"Ok, make sure to take a warm shower, not a hot or cold." I say. She nods her head and goes in to take a shower. I've learned the hard way on how to take care of a drunk person, hot showers and cold showers could cause the person to pass out, as I've learned. I listen while she takes a shower in case she passes out, while looking around her room.

I don't want to seem creepy, but I do want to learn a little about the person I randomly decided to help. She has a family photo on her dresser. It looks like she has an older brother and her mom... her mom has on a turban. I look at another family photo and her mom has on a different turban. I see an old photo where it looks like Kira is 10, and her mom has hair.

I hear the bathroom door and I turn around quickly.

"I can give you some pajamas to wear, they may be a little small." She says and walks over to the dresser. She is a lot shorter than me. There is a cheer bow on top, with a pink ribbon in the middle. She hands me shorts and a tank top. The shorts are a little tight but it's fine. She lies on her bed, curled up under the sheets. I lie next to her.

"Tomorrow you will most likely wake up with a headache." I tell her. She nods her head, a confused look on her face.

"Thank you for staying." She whispers.

"No problem." I whisper back. I watch her slowly fall asleep, and I shortly after. 

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