Chapter 33: Mom Advice

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My mom has been strangely quiet since the fight, it's like she wants to say something, but can't find the words to say what she's thinking. My Dad and Aaron called me about what happened, they said they would talk about it more whenever I see them next. Of course, who knows when that will be.

I get a ride home from Lucas after practice today. I walk into the house and realize my mom isn't home yet. That's weird, she's usually home by 6. I put my bags down and walk over to the fridge.

"Left over Fettuccine, nice!" I say outloud to myself. I heat up the leftovers and start to eat when my Mom walks in.

"Oh, you already started dinner?" She asks, glancing at me.

"Um, yeah. But we can eat together, I just didn't know when you would be home." I say, looking down at my dinner.

"Sorry, Francis wanted me to stay a bit longer to help him with paperwork for our next contract." She says, massaging her temples.

"Do you want me to make you something?" I ask her, feeling a little guilty.

"that would be nice, if you don't mind." She says. I nod my head and go back to the fridge and pull out her favorite soup that she makes weekly. I heat it up on the stove and bring it over to her with a spoon and a glass of orange juice. "Thank you, Mark."

"Of course, Mom." I sit down and finish eating my now cold fettuccini. "Hey Mom, how did you know you wanted to go into global communications?"

"What do you mean?" My mom asks.

"I've been looking at majors, but I can't think of anything I would want to do. You said you went in your freshman year at American University of Paris knowing what you wanted to major in. How did you know?"

"Well, I met a transfer student from America at my high school who talked about travel all the time. I loved the idea of traveling so I knew I wanted to go into communications or hospitality. My counselor recommended American University of Paris and I knew that's where I wanted to go when I went on a tour with my school."

"Wow." I say.

"Do you still want to go out of state? You know Virginia is very big." My mom says, smiling sadly.

"Yeah, I want to get out on my own, you know. I feel like... like I'm always with Aaron and I really just want to go somewhere else and be me." I say.

"Ah, well have you thought of a Major or anything you may want to do?"

"I really can't think of anything." I say. "I've been thinking about it, and I just don't know."

"You can go in undecided, you know." My mom says.

"Yeah, I know. But I want to know what I'm going into my freshman year. But I can also change my major if I wanted to."

"What do you enjoy?" My mom asks.

"I've thought of that, but I'm honestly not sure." I say.

"What clubs are you in again?"

"Well, French Honors society. But I also do the school news show and I've helped in the athletic trainer's office. But I don't think I want to be an athletic trainer."

"The school news show?" My Mom asks, confused. 

"Yeah, I told you about it remember? They broadcast a show in the morning that we pre-record the day before. Sometimes I film, other days I edit, and sometimes I even direct. I really like being behind the camera, watching and telling people what to do when they're on camera." I say then think for a minute. "Hm, I've never thought of that actually."

"Thought about what?"

"How much I enjoy being behind the camera." I say.

"Do you like filming, directing, or whatever the other thing you said." My mom asks.

"Editing was the last thing. I like filming a lot, actually now that I think about it." I say.

"You know, that transfer student from America was actually Emme's mom." My mom says.

"Really?" I ask. "That's so cool. Did she go to AU of Paris?"

"No, but we kept in touch. After college I became a flight attendant, then I landed a job in America and became a dual citizen. I lived in New York at the time, but I transferred to the companies DC division, which is where I met your father. After you and Aaron were born, I reconnected with Emme's mom and found out she was in Virginia and we moved here."

"Wow, that's amazing." I say. She never really talks about her childhood, or young adulthood. "Mom, thank you." I say and hug her. She's taken aback for a second but hugs me back.

"Of course, gigio." My mom says, smiling. I put my dishes in the dishwasher, grab my backpack, and head to my room to start working on my homework.

"take a shower before you start on your schoolwork." My mom says as I walk upstairs.

"Smart idea." I say and laugh. I hear my mom chuckle as I continue walking up the stairs.


The next morning I walk into my counselor, Mr. Farland's office and knock on his door.

"Come in." I hear him say.

"Hey Mr. Farland, I was wondering if you know of any film or film related internships or summer programs that are happening this summer." I say to him. He nods his head and looks at his computer.

"So, are you interested in film?" He asks while typing something into his computer.

"Possibly. I am in the new show class, as you know, and I really enjoy that class, and I wanted to see what it looks like in, I guess real life." I tell him. He nods and smiles.

"There is a couple of internship opportunities with WJLA, Fox News, and CBS if you are interested locally. I know you said you were interested in out of state schools, but internships are usually done locally."

"That's great, actually." I say. Mr. Farland nods his head and prints a couple of papers, then hands them to me.

"You can look these over with you mother. Turn them in a soon as you can though, there's a limited amount of positions, especially for high schoolers." He says.

"Thank you so much." I say and take the papers. I walk to home room and look the papers over when I sit down.

"Whatcha got there?" Emme asks, looking over from her chem book.

"A couple of internship opportunities for film." I say.

"Oh? That's new." She says, a small grin on her face.

"Yeah, I was talking to my mom last night about majors, and I thought I would give film a try." I say.

"Wow, I would not expect that from you." She says.

"Well, I do film and direct a lot of the morning news show." I say.

"Really? I thought you only hosted it." She says.

"No, I actually try to be on screen the least amount possible." I say.

"Why'd you sign up for the class if you don't like being on camera?" She asks, confused.

"Well, I really like being behind the camera." I say.

"Well that's really exciting for you." She says and smiles.

"Yeah, I hope one of these works out." I say.

"I bet they will. If mine worked out, I know yours will." She says.

"Thanks." I say and smile.                                    

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