Chapter 14: Costumes and Hoodies

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Drumline is awesome. It took me a while to figure out the marching, but it wasn't terribly hard. Today we get out costumes and hoodies at practice. I impatiently wait for my last class (Spanish ugh) to finish and practically run out of class to the band room. I pass Rylee at her locker and stop to talk to her.

"What's up Rye?" I say. She quickly turns around, startled.

"Oh hey, Nothing much. You seem excited." She says while closing her locker.

"I'm excited to see the uniforms I guess." I say. We quickly walk to the band room and see Ms. E with boxes and hangers.

"Is that the uniforms?" Rylee asks.

"Yes, it is! They turned out perfect, exactly how I wanted them. Today we will be trying them on and testing makeup."

"Makeup?" I ask.

"Yep, everyone will have makeup that will match their costume." Ms. E. Says and smiles.

"Nooo." I say and sigh. Rylee laughs. "How much make up?"

"Um, not too much for the boys." She says. She looks at the order form and finds our costumes. "Henry you are fire and Rylee you are water."

"Do you want us to try them on?" Rylee asks. She nods her head.

I head to the boy's bathroom which Cole and Leo are already in, changing.

"What are you?" They ask. Leo has on bright red pants and a long sleeve shirt with a red and yellow flame design. Cole has on dark blue pants and a long sleeve shirt with a blue and white wave design.

"I'm fire." I tell them and quickly change.

"How much make up do you think we will wear?" Leo asks, fixing hos hair in the mirror.

"I heard fire has red and orange eye shadow and water had blue and green eye shadow, but the girls will have eye liner and we will not." Cole says.

"Well that's nice to know." I say and we all laugh. We head back to the band room where more people are coming in and getting their costumes. I see Rylee standing in the back talking to her friend Amelia, who's in the front ensemble.

"Why do the costumes look so good on the girls and make us look like clowns." Leo complains. He's not wrong. The girls outfit has the same colored pants, but they are leggings. And they wear a dress with the same patterns, but they are tight at the top and flow from the waist down and are knee length.

"Costumes are made for girls, not boys." Cole says. He's not wrong.

"But these shirts do make our muscles look nice." Leo points out. I look down and notice that yes, the tighter shirt definitely shows more muscle.

"Everyone, please get in your sections." Ms. E announces. "That way I can see everyone in costume and figure out makeup."

I walk to the back of the room to the two snares that we use to practice. Rylee's dress flows when she walks. There are blue sparkles on the top of the dress. Thank the lord there are no sparkles or sequence on the boy's outfits.

"I like your dress." I say. She smiles and does a little twirl, the fabric flowing around her.

"Its super comfortable, I love how it moves like water, or fire too." She says.

"It looks comfortable, so is mine."

"yours is very tight."

"Yeah, do you like it?" I teasingly ask. She blushes.

"You two look great! Maryam will help you with your makeup and hair." Ms. E says so us, examining our costumes.

"Ok." Rylee says. Maryam comes over with a with an iPad.

"How much makeup are we talking about?" I ask her.

"Not much for you, don't worry." She says. Maryam pulls out her iPad that shows a boy wearing dark red eyeshadow around his eyes, and orange face paint streaks on his cheeks. "This is what You will look like."

"Ok, that's fine." I say and smirk. Rylee rolls her eyes.

"And here is your makeup." She says and shows another picture of a girl with light blue eyeshadow and white eyeliner, then dark green specks on the cheeks.

"What about hair?" Rylee asks. "I have my hair in braids for the next couple of months, if that's ok?"

"Yep, that will be perfect. I was thinking of putting your hair in two buns, like space buns. Will that work?" Maryam asks her.

"Yeah, that will definitely work. I've don't that before, my mom taught me how to do it." Rylee says and smiles.

"Ok great! And Henry I want your hair spiked up." She says to me. I nod. "You two are awesome! See you before the competition!". She then walks over to the base drums.

"I can't believe that I have to wear makeup." I say.

"Aw, is it going to ruin your manliness- oh wait, you don't have any." Rylee says and laughs.

"Ha ha, very funny. But I guess it is pretty cool make up. You're is pretty cool though, with the white eyeliner and green specks."

"Yeah, I really like the uniforms and aesthetic this year, last year the theme was boring."

"Oh? What was it?"

"Shadow dancers. So, we wore all black and dark eyeshadow. It was really fun music, but really boring costumes."

"Ah. I really like the show. It looked really good in the recording yesterday, and it will definitely look better with the costumes."

"It totally will." Rylee says and smiles.

"Ok guys, once you are done talking to Maryam, you can come up and grab your hoodies." Ms. E. announces.

"The hoodies! I almost forgot!" Rylee says excitedly and walks over to the table to pick them up.

"Whoa, these are cool too." Rylee says and holds up her hoodie. The sleeves have flames on them, with our school name on the front in blue. I pick up my hoodie and look at the back where it has my name in big white letters.

"Now no one can steal my hoodie." I say and smile.

"Um, almost all of your gear is labeled." Rylee says.

"Oh, right." I say. "When can we change?"

"You can go change since you have been checked." Ms. E. says, standing behind the table with our hoodies.

"Oh sweet." I say and quickly change. I sit back down behind the snares and put on my hoodie and check my phone.

"So, are you going to wear that to school?" Rylee asks, sitting next to me.

"Oh uh yeah?" I say, confused.

"You don't think Mason will say something?" She asks. I turn off my phone and look at her, concern in her eyes. Her dark hazel eyes.

"Why would I care what Mason says? And why would he say something?" I ask her. She makes a face that I can't figure out. It's like a mixture of confusion, concern, and hurt.

"Never mind." She says.

I feel like she's hiding something. Scratch that, I know she's hiding something. 

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