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CHAPTER 8: memory

There was a soft knock on the door, followed by a firm 'come in'

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There was a soft knock on the door, followed by a firm 'come in'. Camilla was standing outside Dumbledore's office early the next morning. She opened the door and closed it carefully. When she turns around, she sees the headmaster sitting in his chair with a wide smile on his lips. On his left, professor Snape is standing with his usual blank expression. And on his right, professor McGonagall stands with a blanker expression than usual. Dumbledore indicates for her to sit down. She does, but not before she had gotten to look around the room a little. Wow! It's so much bigger than in the films! Dumbledore clears his throat before he starts to speak.

"Did you sleep well?" Dumbledore starts. She just nods her head with a small, almost unnoticeable smile.

"You're probably wondering why we put you in third year and not first, I presume? Well, that's because your abilities are great enough to start right in third year. If the other teachers didn't protest, then I would have put you right in fifth or sixth year. But the others thought it would be better to put you together with people of your age." Camilla gets set back by this. Fifth or sixth year? She couldn't do any magic yet and certainly not the advanced magic they do in those years.

"But I can't do any magic, sir."

"What about the spell you did in Ollivander's or when you apparated to London?" both Camilla and Snape look at him in confusion. Snape knew about the apparating, but she did a spell in Ollivander's? That was news to Snape. "Yes, I know about that, and you did apparate to London. What other ways could you have ended up here?" he continues.

"I'm sorry, sir. But I think you have the wrong person. Yes, I knew how to fix the vase, but that was because of the movies and books. I just suddenly remembered the spell from there. And I can't do such advanced magic that fifth or sixth years would be able to do," she starts to get up from her chair to walk away. Dumbledore gets up from his chair to stop her from walking away. He walks up to her and puts a hand on her shoulder then he goes to one of the walls. The wall opens and a bowl comes out. Camilla recognizes it right away.

"Can I show you something, Camellia?" she nods her head and moves closer to the bowl, then she lowers her head into the bowl.

What is this? It looks familiar... It's the same living room as in the dream I had when the dementor attacked. I see the same woman as before. Mom. There's also a man sitting beside her on the couch holding her hand. It must be my dad. They looked good together.

"What do you expect me to do?" I didn't notice Albus sitting in the armchair opposite them. I was too distracted by looking at them to notice him.

"Help her, we have the spell ready to send her away. But when she comes back, she won't have anyone," the guy, my father, says to Albus while he squeezes my mother's hand.

"You were able to get the spell to work? How?" Minerva asks with worry in her voice. 'When did she come?'

"How doesn't matter right now, Minnie. What matters is if you'll help her when she returns," my mother says impatiently.

"Help will always be found at Hogwarts," Albus tells them. My father lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"When she appears again, you can put her in any year that fits her age. She is already pretty advanced in magic," my mother puts in.

"We have been learning her wandless magic, so she is prepared. But when she comes back, she won't remember anything. It's a side effect caused by the spell. But with the help of you, she'll be able to remember. It's not permanent." 'So, the reason I don't remember anything is because of a spell my mother and father put on me?'

"How will she get back if she doesn't remember?" Minerva asks.

"That is a good question, Minerva. How?" Albus asks them just as curios.

"The spell will bring her back when it feels it's safe enough to return. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like the spell lives inside her, waiting for the right moment," my mother explains to them.

"Okay, when she arrives, she will get help from us to remember and so that she has a place to stay." Albus answers. I can see that they are talking some more, but I'm unable to hear what they are saying. The image fades and then a new image appears in a place that looks like the hallway of their... our house.

"What about her family? Won't they try to find her when she gets back?" Albus asks.

"I trust in the Malfoys. They will keep her safe when the time comes," 'The Malfoy's? They are my family... Is that why he was so nice to me when we met that day in London?'

"Thank you, Albus, Minerva. I'm not sure if we'll be able to see each other again, so I'll say this now. Thank you for everything you have done for this family. We will always be in-depth to you." Albus smiles at them and then walks out the door. The image fades again, but this time it doesn't change.

"Do you still think we have the wrong person, Miss Withlock?" McGonagall asks her. Camilla can't get her head around it. She runs out of the room and down the stairs. Snape steps closer to McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Maybe we should have waited a little longer. She is still shocked by everything else happening and now this too."

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