
949 77 5

Modern AU

Lan WangXian: (2 years old; about to pull down his swimming shorts)
Wei WuXian: Hey hey hey! Don't take it off..
Lan WangXian: ?? (looks at the swimming pool and looks back to WuXian) A-Xin no bath?
Wei WuXian: Bath? You mean swim. Of course you can.
Lan WangXian: (looks at his swimming shorts)
Wei WuXian: A-Xin goes into the pool with this on. (points the swimming shorts)
Lan WangXian: Bath with *clods?  (*clothes)
Lan WangJi: He thinks the pool is a big bath tub.
Wei WuXian: (laughs) I think so too. (takes out WangXian's floaty)
Lan WangJi: A-Xin, a swimming pool is where you get to keep some of your clothes on.
Lan WangXian: (waiting for his floaty to inflate)
Wei WuXian: Just like when we are in the beach. Swimming shorts on.. Not off.. Though, he is still very young-
Lan WangJi: Wei Ying.. He will not run around naked in public..
Wei WuXian: Right.. It might sound fun but I don't want your uncle to find out and kill me..

Lan QiRen: (at his home with a newspaper in front of him; sneezes)

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