MDZS-Sick Baby

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Lan WangXian: (rolling under the sheets looking uncomfortable) Mama.. (coughs)
Wei WuXian: I'm right here. (squeezes water out from a small towel and puts it on top of WangXian's forehead)
Lan WangXian: (looks about to cry)
Wei WuXian: Oh, our A-Xin is sick so we can't go out to play today. Mama promise we'll play once you are all better.
Lan WangXian: Papa wer?..
Wei WuXian: He had to go to work. He did say he will come home early.
Lan WangXian: Xin want papa now.. (starts crying)
Wei WuXian: Doesn't A-Xin want to be with mama?
Lan WangXian: I want mama too. (goes to WuXian for a hug while still crying)
Wei WuXian: Please stop crying little Lan.. (looks about to cry too) Lan Zhan hurry home!
Lan WangJi: (suddenly arrives) Wei Ying?
Lan WangXian: Papa! (cried out more)
Lan WangJi: (walks towards them) Why are you both crying?
Wei WuXian: Lan Zhan! You idiot, you should've stayed home. You made our baby cry.
Lan WangJi: (looks confused) Umm.. I'm sorry? (holding both WuXian and WangXian in his arms)

Thus, Lan WangJi ended up calming both of them down all night long..

The next day..

Lan QiRen: Where's Lan WangJi? He's suppose to be helping us today.
Lan XiChen: Uncle, I allowed WangJi to stay home today or else-
Lan QiRen: Or else what?
Lan XiChen: A-Xin will end up crying all day long looking for WangJi.
Lan QiRen: ...

Lan WangJi: (reading a letter)
Wei WuXian: (sitting beside WangJi) What did your brother say?
Lan WangJi: Uncle allowed me time off from work until A-Xin is well.
Wei WuXian: Really? For him to give you permission from working despite the fact your uncle is the scariest here in Gusu..
Lan WangJi: (nods) But with one weakness.. (both looks down and sees WangXian)
Lan WangXian: (sound asleep in WangJi's other arm) ..

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