MDZS-Repellent 2

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One day in the city near Cloud Recesses..

Wei WuXian: (walking in the city while holding hands with WangXian) Hmm.. Where is that father of yours?.. He said to meet him around here so he would treat us for lunch.
Lan WangXian: (2 years old; points) Papa?
Wei WuXian: (sees WangJi surrounded by three young women looking uncomfortable) Ah.. Looks like WangJi needs your help. Again..
Lan WangXian: Help??
Wei WuXian: (squats down to WangXian) If you don't, they will take papa away from us. Better go now.
Lan WangXian: Take papa? No!! (rushes towards WangJi)
Wei WuXian: (sees WangXian run towards WangJi and grabbing one of WangJi's leg) Wow.. That was quick..

Lan WangJi: (looks down at his leg) A-Xin?
Lan WangXian: (holding on to WangJi's leg pouting towards the women)
Women: Oh, who is this little one?
Is he a relative of yours?
He's so cute.. Hello..
Lan WangXian: (he hides behind WangJi without letting go of the leg when one of the women tried to approach him) No no no no no! Papa!
Lan WangJi: (moves a step back) Sorry, my son is not good to strangers. Please excuse us. (carries WangXian in his arms)
Women: Son?
You mean..
Why are all good men are already married?
Aww.. Too bad.. (they went on their way)
Lan WangJi: A-Xin, where is-
Lan WangXian: (points) Mama!
Wei WuXian: (waves at them) Hah! It worked like a bug repellent. We can do this again.. (pats WangXian's head)
Lan WangJi: Huh?
Lan WangXian: ?? A..gain?..
Wei WuXian: (just realize he was thinking out loud) Oh nothing. Hahahahaha..
Lan WangXian: A-Xin.. Hungry..
Lan WangJi: (nods) Let's go have lunch now.
Wei WuXian: Saved!

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