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Lan WangJi: (just arrives home) I'm bac- (sees WangXian)
Lan WangXian: Papa! (1 year old; sitting in a corner covered with flour from top to bottom)
Wei WuXian: (sitting in front of WangXian with some flour powder on his clothes)
Lan WangJi: What happened?..
Wei WuXian: I was trying make something for lunch, but A-Xin was running around the house. Which led to a bag of flour spill all over him. Now, I'm trying to punish him for being naughty.
Lan WangXian: (sitting quietly and looks innocent; smiles at them and doesn't really understand what really is going on yet)
Lan WangJi: He's one and I don't think he was being naughty though..
Wei WuXian: You're not actually taking our child's side this time are you?
Lan WangJi: Well, kids do move around a lot and he is still a baby. I think it was more of an accident than being naughty.
Wei WuXian: And you base this from?
Lan WangJi: ... Sigh... You?
Wei WuXian: Hah??
Lan WangJi: Let's face it WeiYing.. What A-Xin did is close to nothing compare to what you did back then.
Wei WuXian: (looking a WangJi while thinking) ... But- (looks at WangXian)
Lan WangXian: (smiles) Mama!
Wei WuXian: No wonder it felt like something's out of place. (╥﹏╥) (leans his forehead on WangJi) I should be the one sitting in a corner..
Lan WangJi: (¬_¬)ノ (pats WuXian's back)
Lan WangXian: (。・ω・。)??

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