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In one room inside Cloud Recesses, WuXian is watching SiZhui and JingYi studying..

Wei WuXian: (has WangXian on his lap)
Lan WangXian: (11 months old; eating bread; takes a piece from his bread and  gives it to WuXian) Mama, ah!
Wei WuXian: Thank you.
Lan WangXian: (takes another piece from his bread and toddles towards SiZhui) Shishu! (waiting for SiZhui to open his mouth)
Lan SiZhui: For me? Thank you. (opens his mouth and WangXian puts the small piece of bread in his mouth)
Wei WuXian: Oh, little master Lan is good at sharing..
Lan WangXian: (toddles his way next to JingYi and does the same) Jiyee!
Lan JingYi: How thoughtful of you, thank you.
Lan WangXian: (goes back to WuXian and sees he only has a very small peice of bread left; remembers WangJi; he still wants to eat more bread but if he does, he can't give anything to WangJi) ... (looks about to cry)
Wei WuXian: Wait, why are you crying?
Lan WangXian: Papa.. Xin.. (crying)
Wei WuXian: It's okay, you can eat finish it. We'll buy more for you to share with your dad, okay? (someone suddenly gives WangXian a bigger bread; looks and sees WangJi) Lan Zhan.
Lan WangJi: (nods)
Lan WangXian: (still crying and takes the bread from WangJi) Papa.. (looks t both his hand and looks confused which one to give)
Lan WangJi: Did A-Xin save this one for me? (points at the small peice of bread left)
Lan WangXian: (sniffles and nods; gives WangJi the bread)
Lan WangJi: Thank you. (eats the small bread)
Lan WangXian: (smiles; holds the bigger bread with both his hands and somehow offers it to both WuXian and WangJi)
Lan WangJi: (pats WangXian's head)
Wei WuXian: Oh no.. You can have it all to yourself.
Lan WangXian: (takes a bite and looks at SiZhui and JingYi)
Lan SiZhui: No, no, I'm already full.
Lan JingYi: Yes, we are. You're a growing baby, so you should eat more.
Lan WangXian: (smiles at them with bread crubs on his cheeks)

Lan WangJi actually bought a bag full of bread for everyone..

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