MDZS-Hide and Seek

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At their home..

Lan WangJi: (tuning his guqin; hears footsteps; stands and follows the sound)
Wei WuXian: (passes by and looks like he's searching for something) Oh, zhangfu (*husband).. (smiles)
Lan WangJi: What are you doing?..
Wei WuXian: (was crawling around the floor) Ah.. Looking for A-Xin..
Lan WangJi: Hide and seek, again?..
Wei WuXian: Yeah.. (stands up) I could always find him that easy. But this time..
I swear, that son of ours is growing smarter each day. Luckily, he got it from you.
Lan WangJi: ... If it's playing games, it's from you..
Wei WuXian: Aww.. (wraps his arms around WangJi's neck) But that is how you got to love me. (kisses WangJi) Right?..
Lan WangJi: (takes a deep breath then nods)
Wei WuXian: I love it when you are being honest without being drunk. Then, be right back. (continues his search for WangXian)
Lan WangJi: (on his own) ... It's all right to be a little playful. Although, I hope you won't be as much as your mother.. (looks down) Okay?..
Lan WangXian: (1 year old; was hiding inside WangJi's clothes around the leg area; *since their clothes are long and a bit loose; comes out to take peak and looks up to WangJi's) ... BaBa (*papa).. Mama?..
Lan WangJi: (smiles back) I guess you win this time..
Lan WangXian: (smiles at WangJi)

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