MDZS-Mama or Papa

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Wei WuXian: A-Xin..
Lan WangXian: (2 years old) Mama?
Wei WuXian: Who do you love more? Mama or papa?
Lan WangXian: Mama en papa.
Wei WuXian: But which of us do you love more?..
Lan WangXian: Mama an papa..
Wei WuXian: Hmm.. I don't think you get what I mean.. Let's see..
Lan WangJi: He's still to young to understand what you mean.
Lan WangXian: (looks confused)
Wei WuXian: Ah! Okay. If mama and papa leaves.. You know.. Go bye bye.. Who do you want to stay?
Lan WangJi: Wei Ying, I don't think that's a good example..
Lan WangXian: Mama en papa go bye bye?
Wei WuXian: (nods)
Lan WangXian: (starts to cry)
Wei WuXian: Ehh?? Wa-wait.. Why..
Lan WangXian: Mama papa no bye bye.. Mama papa Xin go *geder! (* means together but can't say it well yet; continues crying)
Wei WuXian: I'm sorry..  (starts crying too and holds WangXian in his arms) Mama understands, please stop crying. Lan Zhan, I made A-Xin cry..
Lan WangJi: (knows that A-Xin couldn't choose between him and WuXian) I told you it was a bad idea. You're crying too..
Wei WuXian: I didn't mean to..
Lan WangJi:  I know.. (holds WuXian and WangXian in his arms to calm them down)

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