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Wei WuXian: Ah.. Wait a minute.. (fixes something) Ah! No.. Stop..
Lan WangJi: (passes by the room) What are you up to this time, Wei Ying?
Wei WuXian: (looks at WangJ) Oh, Lan Zhan.. (then looks the other way when he noticed) No, A-Xin..
Lan WangXian: (11 months old; pulling the white headband off his forehead; babbling and looks a little annoyed)
Lan WangJi: He's not used to it..
Wei WuXian: That's why I'm putting it on again and again to get him used to it.
Lan WangXian: (crawls and sits on the floor between WangJi and WangXian)
Lan WangJi: The children here started using theirs at the age of two or three. You don't have to rush.
Wei WuXian: How old were you when you started wearing your headband?
Lan WangJi: ...
Wei WuXian: Knowing you, I bet you didn't reach that age when you started wearing it.
Lan WangJi: ...
Wei WuXian: You better tell me, Lan WangJi..
Lan WangJi: ... One..
Wei WuXian: (looks back to WangXian) I still have a month to go then. A-Xin.. (ties the headband again on WangXian)
Lan WangXian: (babbling and trying to pull it off again) Babah.. (looks at WangJi)
Lan WangJi: I'm sorry..

Wei Ying did managed to make A-Xin wear his headband without pulling it off him before he turned one.

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