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Lan XiChen: It is still short.. Which is probably why..
Lan QiRen: (looks very serious while his left eyebrow is twitching) ...
Lan WangJi: ...
Wei WuXian: Does he (*QiRen) really hate it?.. (sees XiChen smiling at them)
Lan WangXian: (10 months old; smiling at QiRen; his hair is being tied into two small buns like how a girls hair is being kept)
Lan QiRen: WangJi..
Lan WangJi: Yes uncle?..
Lan QiRen: She will definitely look adorable like A-Xin.
Lan WangJi: She?.. (looks at WuXian)
Wei WuXian: (gestures to WangJi that he too don't understand what QiRen meant)
Lan WangJi: Who uncle?
Lan QiRen: Though it is still early.. Do your best for a daughter next time. (hugs WangXian)
Lan WangJi: Huh?..
Lan XiChen: (pats WangJi's shoulder) Good luck.
Wei WuXian: That would be tricky..
Lan WangJi: Wei Ying?
Wei WuXian: If ever we decide to have our next little Lan later on, how can we make sure that it would be a girl?
Lan WangJi: I don't know..
Lan WangXian: (smiling and giggling in QiRen's arms)
Wei WuXian: (thinking while looking serious)
Lan WangJi: (looking at WangXian and QiRen; then to WuXian) "This happened because of hair buns?.."

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