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Modern AU..

Wei WuXian: (pushing a shopping trolley around the grocery store) Lan Zhan, we need vegetables..
Lan WangJi: (holding WangXian in his arms; nods)
Lan WangXian: (2 years old; WangJi puts him down to grab vegetables) Papa.. (hands up and opens and closes his hands)
Lan WangJi: (gives a small bag of carrots to WangXian) Here you go..
Lan WangXian: (smiles and takes it to WangXian) Mama, here..
Wei WuXian: A-Xin is helping papa pick vegetables.. Thank you.. (pats WangXian's head as he takes the bag)
Lan WangXian: (sees something that catches his attention)
Lan WangJi: (finishes putting vegetables in their trolley; looks down and sees WangXian holding on one of his leg) A-Xin? Is something wrong?
Lan WangXian: (looks up to WangJi and shakes his head in disagreement; looks back at something)
Wei WuXian: I think something caught his eyes..
Lan WangJi: (sees that WangXian is looking at a shelf full of yogurt drinks; squats down to be at level with WangXian) Does A-Xin want one of those?
Lan WangXian: ...
Wei WuXian: (squats down too) A-Xin is so much like papa. Quiet as a ever.  It's okay to ask if you want something..
Lan WangXian: (looks at WangXian and nods) A-Xin want one.. Can A-Xin have?..
Wei WuXian: (pinches WangXian's nose) Of course!
Lan WangJi: (carries WangXian in his arms and stands close to the shelves) Which one do you like?
Lan WangXian: (looks and chooses a strawberry flavoured yogurt drink; holds a bottle in his hands and smiles) Thank you, mama, papa..
Wei WuXian: 😘 You're welcome.
Lan WangJi: You can have more if you like.
Lan WangXian: ?? 😯 More?..
Wei WuXian: Hey, stop spoiling our child.. (thinks briefly) Actually, pick another one, A-Xin..
Lan WangJi: You said not to spoil him?
Wei WuXian: If I'm going to leave it up to you, you would end up buying a whole box. So, two bottles will be enough..
Lan WangJi: (did want to buy a box) 😒
Lan WangXian: (have two bottles in his hands now) 😊

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