MDZS-Going on Circles

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Lan WangXian: (4 years old; staring at XiaoLian)
Lan XiaoLian: (10 months old; staring back at WangXian)
Lan WangXian: ...
Lan XiaoLian: (starts to crawl towards WangXian and smiles)
Lan WangXian: (avoids XiaoLian by crawling to XiaoLian's previous spot while smiling)
Lan XiaoLian: (now sitting on WangXian's previous spot; crawls towards WangXian again and starts giggling)
Lan WangXian: (did what he has done earlier everytime XiaoLian crawls towards him)
Jin Ling: (standing by the door watching the two) I don't get it..
Lan JingYi: Me too?
Lan SiZhui: You don't have to understand everything they do..
Wei WuXian: They're kids, a baby and a toddler to be precise. It doesn't matter. As long as they are having fun.
Jin Ling: Having fun in going around in circles?
Lan WangJi: (suddenly arrive) They're playing tag.
Wei WuXian: (snaps his finger) Absolutely correct! (gives a thumbs up) Good job papa Lan!
Lan WangJi: (nods)
Jin Ling and Lan JingYi: Playing tag?..

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