Chapter 12

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#triggerwarning #violence #abuse

"What problem?!" Alec tore the door open, without having been properly dressed yet. His jeans weren't zipped and buttoned, and he wasn't wearing any socks or a shirt. For a second Camille allowed her eyes to wander over his chest before snapping back to reality. Fortunately, Alec hadn't noticed, but Magnus had. And the way he stared her down, Camille instantly knew how much Magnus truly cared for Alec. He had never had a problem with anyone looking at the person he was dating before, because he liked the fact that others wanted what he had, but apparently not with Alec. Mentally, Camille was doing a happy dance. She had always hoped Magnus would find someone he loved at much as she had loved him, and now he had. It was all she had ever hoped for him. To be truly happy, even if it wasn't with her.

"Camille! The problem?!"

"oh sorry... it's Izzy..." the terror in Alec's eyes as Izzy's name was mentioned, nearly broke Camille's heart. She hadn't meant too terrify him like that. "she's okay, Alec... Breathe..."

Magnus rushed to Alec's side and helped keep him steady. "Cam, I think you'd better tell him what's happening before he spins out of sanity."

Nodding, Camille gestured for them to follow her. "You'd better come with me."

When they entered the living room, Izzy was sitting on the couch. Even though Alec could only see the back of her head, he knew something was wrong. Her posture was different. Slacking."

"Sis!" Alec sprinted to her and kneeled down in front of the couch. "oh my god! What happened!? Who did this to you?!"

With deep concern, Magnus hurried towards the siblings, and what he saw was horrifying. Izzy's face was covered in bruises. The left eye was black and swollen to the point where she couldn't open it, her nose was now crooked which probably meant it was broken. Signs of blood covered her bottom lip and jaw.

Magnus could feel himself tearing up, and as he reached out to comfort Alec, he soon noticed that tearing up was not the state Alec was in. He was furious! His entire body trembled with fury and his hands were clenched into fists. The sweet and innocent facial expression Alec almost always had, was completely gone and replaced with something that almost looked malevolent.

"Alexander, I think you need to calm down and take a breath."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! I'm not going to fucking calm down! I'm going to kill the son of a bitch that laid his filthy paws on my babysister!"

"Alec..." Izzy's voiced was strained, but firm. "Magnus is right. It wont help that you go all psycho and caveman right now. I'm not here for me. Obviously, I am going to rapport this, but there's something that is much more important." Camille arrived with an icepack for Izzy's swollen lip and eye which she gladly excepted and continued. "The guy who did this is the father of one of the kids at the school I just started working at." Izzy looked at her brother, "You know, that school we talked of once, that can never hold on to a teacher because of how troubled that neighborhood is." Alec nodded. He remembered. She had promised she would never take a job there, but he could scold her for that later. "I started there 2 weeks ago just as a substitute teacher, and one of my kids had a bad attitude and a temper. Actually, all the kids have those issues, but this was worse, and it was so clear that he was like that, because he was terrified of something."

Izzy padded the seat next to her, encouraging her brother to sit down beside her. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Alec obliged.

"I didn't take me long to see the signs... I recognized them. I had seen that kind of destructive behavior before, on a lower scale of course." Izzy grasped Alec's hand and looked into his eyes. Before she had a chance to speak, Alec already knew what she was going to say, so he said it for her.

"He is gay, isn't he?"

"yes..." Izzy nodded, "and just like you, he was terrified to say anything to his parents. He's an only child so he doesn't have anyone to help him, like I did for you, so I decided I would try and help him too." A small smile tugged at the corner of her lip. "He was so touched by the fact that someone wanted to do that for him, but at the same time he was terrified. He kept saying that his dad was going to kill him, but I convinced him that it was all in his head."

"like it was with me... I thought mom and dad would disown me, but you convinced me they wouldn't, and you were right..."

"yes... but I wasn't right this time. When I sat down to explain everything to the boy's dad, he just suddenly exploded. First, he began yelling that his son was no fag, and when I tried to make him see that there was nothing wrong with being gay, he punched me. And he kept hitting me even though his son tried to stop him." A single tear streamed down Izzy's face, and Alec gently brushed it away. "I don't really know what happened after that, because he knocked me out. I woke up in my car at the schools parking lot."

"We have to call the police..." Magnus reached for the phone, but Izzy stopped him.

"I know, and we will, but we have to find the boy first. I'm scared that the father will do something to him if the cops show up... and what if they don't lock the father up? Then that kid has to stay in the same house as him? I can't risk it. I need him to be somewhere safe first..." Izzy turned towards Alec again. "Please brother, I need your help. Please I'm begging you..."

"Don't worry sis, I'll find him..."

When Alec rapidly walked towards the door, Magnus ran to his side.

"I'm coming with you. I'll help you find the kid, and prevent you from killing the dad. I don't want you to go to jail for this. I need you in my future..." Magnus intwined their fingers and kissed the back of Alec's hand before they walked out to the car.

"Please be careful! And don't worry, I'll take care of Izzy." Camille stood in the door and watched them drive of.

Driving Mr. BaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon